Foggy Friday

It is really a beautiful morning down here in South SoCal ... slight fog happens occasionally as we live on the bay, near the ocean...the temp? will be 68*...not too hot, and not too's a golf day, so this will be slightly brief...ah, isn't that a bit redundant?...c'mon, Horse, you are better than that... The House will do their vote on the Impeachment this fine, Friday the 13th...the committee that is...then off it goes to the full House ...for it's tally...I still can't understand the defense of Trump by the Repubs...apparently are totally bullied by him...fear of losing support...I aware, very aware...listen and watch carefully to the number of newspaper editorials, that are calling for his removal...and as I continually say, just sit back...let the government work...the way it shall... Moving way down to the sport in Australia ...gosh, that was a fun day of golf at the President's Cup ...the International...