Post Debate
As per usual, the Horse had the time wrong on the commencing hour of the Demo debate ...had the pixels on CNN, and then realized...the bloody thing was airing...right then...on ABC! not use me as your source of setting up your DVR, apparently...well, we got to hear plenty of talk, is MY take on it...listen, kids, it's just an opinion ...there are many out there... There are those who have said it was a 10 person TIE! ...ah, no...not so...the debaters are all fine people, so it seems...with a singular vision of being the new boss of the USA... to rally the rest of the non-Trumpsters that exist in every corner of our great country ...BUT, that is the issue for moi... beating Donny could make a case for every one of the ten, yes...even, the bad boy of the night, Castro...all of them... Plans, loads of plans... 'my plan is...' ...sure...where is the money going to come from? the very rich...OK...there is this thing about winning back the...