
Showing posts from November 8, 2020

Let's Go To The Course

Usually, when the Masters is on...I stop everything and do a WATCH ONLY for this 4 day period ... mesmerized by the beauty of the land...the terrific placement of the greens...the controlled, ah, subdued, crowds don't hear 'in the hole' shouted at Augusta...but, this time it's different...shoot, what isn't?...played in November.. .the greens keepers have to paint the grass green ... no, it's the trees, the magnolias, that we see ...and, dang it all, the holes look different with no people lining them...still, I WATCH ...get to forget about the horrors that the country is going thru, while this is going on...this, my good friends, is a wonderful diversion ... Around here in south Socal, we have had cooler a high of 67*, we hit the pool most other venues are shut down...the water temp is at a very nice 82* ...weird, that it is warmer in the water, than above...another very nice diversion ... As we had a ZOOM...

Time To Move

With the state of Arizona finally tabulating their votes...let's see, took them 9 days ...with all the what is more of the same...the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris ticket further enhanced their winning!. ..they will clear the 300 marker when it is all said and the EC will have it's votes... fuggit about the popular vote...what is it now, 5 million difference? ... some body, some group, some Republicans, need to spearhead an intervention with trump ... listen, orange, huge orange , it's TIME TO MOVE! ...well, box up your crap, and be ready to bolt in January...and leave the White House as you found it... The real issue ...that this sitting pres does not have the decency to address...the Covid totally out of control...!!!... he won't be seen nor heard of...just another example of horrific leadership ...lord, let me count the ways...and when he does's all about him...the same garbage spewed...the what's, the why's, the fra...


Here you have your new word for the masses to use...and be cool for using groovy as it is, as it rolls off your will be the bomb for using the latest adjective...that is downright stupid ...ah, there are some who will recognize how dope you are...that you are so Gucci !...I dig that...I'm hip ...but are you?...yes, it is amazing ... like , is WIG ... you betcha red rider ...see, you will be on fire ...if you can just master the latest 'it' word... rad , is may have the lewk , but do you have the style?... right on ...OK, dude , it is time that I give it to you...use it wisely, and you will be in 'the in crowd' ... BOLD! ...that's right... BOLD! ...use it everywhere and freely...I digress... You seen him lately? know, HIM? ...apparently he is sequestered in the White House...fuming and thrashing about...ordering in them Big Macs for lunch and dinner...some how he has let the pandemic go astray...ah, righ...

Veteran's Day

A mighty thank you to all the Veterans out there in the great US of A! is your day, albeit not really sure of the importance that the country puts on it... you have secured the Nation in the toughest of times ...and should be put on the mountain top! ... not the figure heads of political peops , but the soldiers!...gonna play golf with one of them today...and will thank him, for sure... Lord, what has trump done to the defense in his waning period of 'leadership'?.. .fired the director...and subsequently, 3 under directors suddenly quit or got fired, too. he put more of his loyalists in the positions... the days of the head of the FBI are numbered, too the leaky oil of this broken truck, is increasing ...listen, kids... an intervention is needed in the WORST way ... More...fallout... the Sec of State, Mike 'pompous' Pompeo , has stated "there will be a smooth transition to the second trump administration" ....from the 'can't ...

Does This Surprise You?

In a total lack of commitment to the country... the trump and his regime REFUSE to concede that he LOST the election!!!. many of his former, and there are lots of them, cabinet members have predicted and warned us, the USA...that he will not leave the office...some say barricade himself times, I laughed at the notion...who would do that?...certainly, NOT the president of the Nation...his latest, is to have his personal AG Barr, go after the election flaws...listen, kids...anything that might cause a ruckus...does he know that there are predicts set up for this? would come in and physically remove the bloke! this what we have come down to?...well, is this what trump has come down to?... a total EMBARRASSMENT to the United States of America, and to HIMSELF!. is time for the Republicans to do an intervention...which I have called for before...put on your big boy pants, and march into the White House and give him the ultimatum...' you need to forego ...

In Transition

The time between the election and the beginning of the new presidency transitional time ...preparation for the first day in office... Joe Biden and Kamala Harris , are doing the work needed in this so important phase.. .establishing a task force for the Covid 19 ...of course, hoping that Dr Fauci can bridge the gap from one regime's ideas to the new one's...if he is still there...and even if he isn't...he knows what was going on... The news out of Pfizer is that there is a vaccine that is 90% effective that they have that good? 90% a doable rate?...there is lots of gamblers in the stock market that think it is...expect huge numbers today.. .the Futures are off the charts that the only reason?...or, is that coupled with the new Biden/Harris takeover?...I never know that the market is based on... One of the important items that loom large in any transition how the former president transfers power to the next this case, it is far from smo...

Dancing In The Streets

The euphoria of the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris VICTORY spilled into many of the streets of this Nation... the UNITED States of America ...listen, kids I was on edge the whole time that the voting process was in action... had resigned myself to either outcome's true...I even wrote a description of such in Facebook...and, I meant it...the tallies were close...most everywhere...BUT, the edge went to Biden/Harris and there we go... I sense that many people felt just like they erupted with jubilation!...were Dancing In The Streets! borrow Martha and the Vandellas song ...a change was needed, and it came forth...we will return to the allies of NATO...reestablish our leadership in the world...bring back character to the most supreme band of brothers and sisters, that govern our great country... Yes, we will become a conglomerate of unity we will have a Band of Brothers and Sisters guiding us shall take time, for the differences to heal...but, lets give it...