Totally Unfiltered

Filtered or unfiltered? ...well now, who would filter the Horse?...remind you of the filtered cigarettes?...what was that all about? that would save you from the nicotine...we have seen 'oldies' that have the elite peops smoking with an extension on their cig...ah, really? be cool?...or posh?...keep the smoke out of the eyes?...I dunno... The prob was that way too many peoples inhaled, on the 'Winds of War' EVERYONE smoked...was that accurate?...I guess the way of the world then, here today, gone tomorrow...what the heck...all the vices were up to the doings..."Father, I have sinned...over and over and over"... "I did not inhale!" ...slick Willy...wait, that is another type of smoke... I did order the follow up...'War and Remembrance '...13 volumes of video...via we have completed the first series... MTG...ah, yes...Marjorie Taylor Greene ...(SP)...her testimony was filled with lack of get that w...