
Showing posts from December 18, 2022

Christmas Eve

You know kids, as time flies by...and we are a day before Christmas...which officially called 'Christmas Eve' ... I think about just, what is important?, friends, home life...stability...a reason for the season...or for life...itself...our good health ...and then I think humanity we treat others...where do we all turn, for guidance?...some say religion...some say each other...what do you say?... guess the Horse is getting philosophical on you...or, he is just looking inward ... If you haven't finished your shopping are probably out of luck ...we went to Dick's...and what they had was pretty picked over...there were lots of sales, however what I found, was not...of course...BTW, are any clothes made in the USA anymore?...what I got were made in Indonesia and Vietnam... I saw NUTTIN' made in the USA ...guess the tariff thang was just a charade...of course, Dick's is not the only store out there...try Walmart, if you have ...

Happy Festivus!

You know, the holiday for the 'rest of us'...the creation of the Larry David/Jerry Seinfeld duo ... FESTIVUS ... the pole...the air of grievances...the fits of strength ...this day, of December 23rd...the brilliant minds of those two...that many of us, mere mortals, still use their creations in our daily lives...even though it was on the pixels so many years ago...amazing, really... 'hootchy mama'....'yada yada yada'...'anti' dentite'...'double dipper'...'close talker'...'serenity now'...'sweet fancy Moses' ...just some of the lines that have stuck with moi...and probably you... Happy Festivus ... The Jan 6 Coup Committee released their findings..last eve, guess what the Horse was doing?...reading that...had a printing on Mastodon ...still am, as it is like 894 pages or so...BUT, trump was and is a sham to the highest is almost unbelievable that a guy could try to do what he DID!...and continues to do....


There are pleas for help, coming from the Ukraine President Zelenskyy he not only met with our Prez B, but addressed the Congress in a monumental speech...did you see it?...we did...extraordinary... it brought about something that has been missing for quite some time on that floor ... UNITY! ...all members stood up and applauded...throughout his THAT'S what I want from our leadership...can we keep the flow going?... Speaking of Flo...she and her commercials need to go... What a gorgeous day out at the links...some say 'a walk spoiled'. ..ha ha...the Horse kind of slapped the rock around for most of the's cool...the 60 something weather, with plenty of sunshine...was good enuff for moi...ended the round on a promising note, with a, not all bad...the last round before Xmas... As I alluded to yesterday...we went to an outside concert at the Rady...down at the Bayfront ...last does get chilly at  nite, during our winter...the S...

The Fruitcake

So you may have exhausted your look for the perfect present...scoured the web net and found nothing that fits ...mozied down to the Home Goods and found nuttin'...then realized that many of the specialty stores have closed their doors...have you gone to the local mall lately?... ah ha, the Horse has a tip for ya...shhhhh, don't want there to be a rush to's the supreme gift ...gonna tell all of you out in the Horse World, that it probably is NOT under the tree right is now considered is the fabulous FRUITCAKE! ...a staple as long back in the 1400's...well, for you white people...soaked in liquor, most often RUM...a delicacy that needs to find a way, why not you?... give your man, or your lady, a treat like no can thank me later... OMG, the missing link to the political debates...the infamous trump taxes ...he couldn't release them, he said, cuz they were being audited...for 6 years?...obvious...

Nothing but the Truth

Each and every we wallow in the aftermath of the worst day in the history of politics in the country ... the failed COUP orchestrated by trump ... as his once fellow follower, Senator Mitch McConnell , of Kentucky...just said... "We all know who was responsible for the insurrection" ...words to that effect...and now...the House of Reps Coup Committee... recommends from their investigation that 4 counts of illegal acts by donald trump, shall be passed on to the DOJ ...for their action to follow up on...if they choose... A shame...the embarrassment of it how this country is run...and by whom...lives lost...Congressionals hiding and running for their the Coup was in full force ...orchestrated by trump and his follies...the combatants, one by one, are being imprisoned...incarcerated...what about the ring leaders?...those who set it up? they roam the streets freely?...that's what the Coup Committee dealt with...and what they came up with... i...

Day of Reckoning?

The Jan 6 Coup Committee shall reveal their findings today, it is being said ...trump will be the main target, I hope...listen, kids, the horror show must end he has avoided the slammer for his direction of the a stye to the country...the rest of the world has to be in shock and awe that this could happen to the, let's just sit back see where this takes us... The border crisis is at it's highest level since...well, I am not sure many people wanting to escape their country to get here...even knowing that they are not welcome in many parts...they still figure it is better here, than where they are coming, er, fleeing from...humanity crisis...there are those who want to block all... Iran is dealing with their insurrection...protests ...with such a barbaric way, that it is inhuman...public executions...who does that?...just can't imagine... Another mass shooting...this time in Canada at a condo ...6 dead, and you know the drill...more ...

7 days to go

Must keep this on the high note...think fast, Horse...we have but 7 days until Christmas ...scurrying about for your time...the presents, the food, the traveling, the whatever I just forgot...hope your planning is we notice so much... Being out at the Casino, the amounts of people celebrating the season...on the machines ...kid you not...seemingly every machine was a person, throwing in the $...wishing on a buy more than they have right at this moment...right?...seriously, there were that many folks all about...gambling...hmmm... Cause for even more concern, is we have a video of a crazed attacking people a few blocks away at an outside restaurant ...scary stuff kids...the solution?...cops walking the streets...we don't do it $?...whatever, Mr Mayor, time for you to get your act together...the Gaslamp, San Diego...we rarely go there anymore...we go to the bay, and to Little Italy...get em outta of the patrol cars, and walk the beat... ...