
Showing posts from January 31, 2016

Debate De Same Stuff

The last chance to see the two candy peops going at one another in New Hampshire ...talking Demos...for Horse, it was more of de same stuff ...repetitive lines that have been the essence of their campaigns...was there a winner?...shoot, that's in the eye of the beholder...Marsh and I differ...yet, are in agreement that they are both pretty good... Da polls ...believe them if you want...but all point to the gain of Marco Rubio over Rafael (Ted) Cruz for 2nd place in NH ...I kind of think that just may be the way of many Repubs, throughout the you know, not only do I fear that Cruz could get the nomination...but his path of destruction could be legendary...the only one that I have great reservations for...of all the candy people.. Working on 6 hours of sleep over the past two Sammi has something affecting her tender tummy know there is NOBODY roaming about at 3:30 in the am, right?...lordy...have to change her food yet again... Snookies arrive t...

Demos Division?

Top the morning to you's beautiful here in the GQ...still a bit cool...warming up for the weekend...j ust in time for the Snookis ...hey, kids, I ordered it... The Town Hall last eve...hosted by Anderson Cooper...CNN, Meghan Kelly, that's the way a true moderator should do it...a pro...not someone trying to make a name for herself ...maybe, just maybe, she had orders from FOX's, brass...I dunno...get over yourself... The results?...just like the Iowa Caucus ... a toss up. ..they both had good points...hmmm...maybe, for some of you...I better say that this was the Demos final two... Bernie and Hilz passionate Repubs...turn away now... Horse thinks that either one of these candy peops are better than any one of the others from the other side ...go ahead and make my day...tell me why I'm wrong... Hillary ...she has the gift of gab...has been doing this all her adult life, I suppose... pretty much wants to continue the Obama syst...

Wacky Wednesday

Hey you all doing?...the boys and girls are now infiltrating New Hampshire ...egads...imagine that tiny little state, run amok by all the Candy Men and Women Busses, the TV dudes chasing them around, and the pollster peops asking anyone that will answer, "who you gonna vote for, and why?"... One less bell to answer for Rand Paul he gave it up today...I suppose this is breaking news... can't imagine Carly hanging around either. ..what the heck?...I guess they want to get their super pacs money's worth...can't be much in it...after the Iowa debacle...BTW, so many rumors as to that state's Demo counting mess least, it's not hanging chads...right? it a tie, kids, and move on... As I said yesterday, the first state is only a beginning...the next is step two ...let's just see how the "polls" play the Donald and Bernie have the supposed huge leads in NH... Me golf...not horrible ...if you are qu...


Iowa has started it up...with their unique system of voting...the 2016 Prez Elections ...using the caucus form of tallying up the votes...hmmm...odd, that the Demos are diff from the Repubs in actual numbers ...just adds to the mystery of it...regardless, we have INDICATORS as to the real thing, in lieu of the countless polls that are out there... The take?...this is a 5 person race ... two for the Demos ... three for the Repubs ...look for the rest of the wannabes to pull out soon...some already have last nite...unfortunately, I let out my bias on Facebook after the Repub count was released ...dang, Horse, you are better than that...ha ha...naw...I am NOT fair and balanced...I remember an old amigo from way back, got so mad at me, he befriended me...has not talked since... calm down, it's just my opinion... The shock?...that Bernie and the Hilz came out of it in a virtual tie ...there are a lot of younger people who want a change...and are willing to rally around Sander...

Da End of January

Hi kids!...back from the jaunt up north to Santa Barbara ...and oh my...what the heck?... the bizarre happened ...well, we headed back home a day early due to the rain, winds, and Tstorms that have hit the area...and postponed the tourney...we were at the point of the 3 day rule for know, we start to smell after 3...and off we went to the Amtrak station... Lordy... big time rain way up north stuff...and like us, many people taking the train instead of driving the impossible freeways...these roads get slick like no other...very similar to icy conditions way up yonder...really...crowded into the business class...if you are a train virgin, there are two of and business...which costs a bit more...OK, fine... The storm had hit all up and down SoCal...more windy type stuff further from mid LA down to fact we were like 30 minutes away from downtown and.... thump!...the train hit something fear was a