
Showing posts from August 13, 2017

Heavy Heart

I am not talking much I have got word that 2 of my friends in my past and present...have passed on...with a heavy heart, I tell you that from my teaching Sprague days, Tiger Nicholson , has lost his battle with cancer...a golfing friend too, back in the day...and...a co-1965 class Viking, Sue Musser Marx , also, lost her life thru that disease...she has been a follower of my blog...even dropped me a note this past week...about how she was doing better... 2 wonderful people, kids...and I am deeply saddened...and my thoughts go out to their families... The rest of the world seems minimal to me right now...

Vehicular Manslaughter

I'm not sure there are words to describe what the SCUM of the earth has figured to kill innocent people...this time in Barcelona, Spain ...using a van type of smash into pedestrians at will...kill as many as possible...look, they never attack an's the common man, woman, or child...the attackers, are the worst form of humanity...who would 'order' such a thing?... How did something like this emerge? can't be from a religion...can it?...listen, there are no words to describe the atrocities...and...because these scum , hide wherever they's hard to get at them...they must have an odious form of living....and...dang, cuz of technology...they are able to get their word out to their evil followers...just a waste of human life... So, the world plays defense ...trying to combat the next line of insidious attacks that these scum think up...keep working...keep working...THIS is what we and the rest of the nations must do...


You feelin' lucky?...lets see...figure out your fav numbers...get on down to your local, wherever you can buy the ticket...plop down a buck and hit that bloody Powerball! ...there are some of youse out there that buy like many tix...not good odds, one...the prize $ is up to, get this...$510 million!...before taxes...ha ha...the Horse could use about you?... condo...plugs for my head...lazer surgery for me eyes...another new car...a VW camper van...a vacay condo in Nashville AND Maui...huge account for my son ...there you go...I gots it win the doggone thinger... So much for dreamin...really, it just doesn't really seem possible...and...I'm not sure I'd want all that anyway...I have everything I want and need right now...but... wouldn't it be nice? ... (Beach Boys)... On what level can you or I or anyone say the inflammatory names about our Prez?...the insulting bashing of our lead...


Within the inner turmoil of the 'statue debate' ...comes the Prez with his view on what happened...and...not being the most liked of dudes...especially to the media...he ad-libed...poorly...created more of a stir...and THAT'S the topic of my 11 sources...not what is the focal point...does the country try to erase the history that it had in that era?...right? is the crux of the some time, calmer heads will prevail ...and worthwhile commentary will take over... the time for... FANTASY...FOOTBALL! ...geez, ESPN did an all day marathon on it...many mock drafts...names bantered about...almost to the degree that it got a bit know the actual players had to be witnessing the spectacle...imagine if you were the bloke who was the 18th the fantasy world... Let's get real here... my draft is live at the end of the month ...the suggestion is to take WR's and RB's first...seeings I have never won this leag...

Midsummer Monday

Morning all you jesters out's your day starting out?...I see that some schools already are opening their doors ...really?...mid August? a teach, I liked the extended summer days...and not starting until after Labor a parent, one may like the early start... The situation in Virginia turned real ugly...with a killing ...and many injured...domestic a crazy drove his car into the crowd...the killer has his day in court is reported as 2nd degree charge...what? is it not 1st degree?... I wrote about it yesterday...nothing in me mind has changed...however... copycat counter protestors popped up in the usual cities of Seattle, Portland, and Oakland Q is this...I get the protest...but to chest up to the police, befuddles me...why do this?... How about the finish of the PGA T! ...coming out of the pack was Justin Thomas ...actually won it easily...odd round of, an early bad bunker shot...but, his pu...

The Eclipse of Sanity

What started with a protest about a statue ...developed into a microcosm of the bigger issue...are we yet a civilized society? know the Virginia...peops voicing their opinion...the opposite side doing the same...but, it can't be done without violence...apparently...the passion and fervor that erupts is monstrous...and it comes down to the color of one's skin...really... I've never understood the idea of supremacy ...that which is embedded in the depths of the some...that made that part of the country go to war, to fight for their beliefs of it...I go with this... good people are good...and bad people can be bad ...regardless of the, one's ancestry... You want a take on what I just said?...try watching 'Live PD' for a night... the police arrest the same person everywhere in the USA...well, the same type ...makes no difference the color of the skin...none whatsoever...people with little education...with drug pro...