Hey, Lance Armstrong , isn't that your FRIEND , Floyd Landis , throwing you under the bus ? In a very creepy world of bicycling , one of his team mates said that his buddy, too, was drugging while performing...I know it's a big deal (bikers) in Europe, but not so much around the game of soccer (boooooring)...nothing surprises me about PEDS ... My under-achieving fantasy team just picked up...the one and only...DH from the Red Sox... David Ortiz ... Talk about futility....the Pads go up to Seattle and lay a huge egg...still trying the arm of Lefty Ramos ...who gave up 7 more runs in one inning ....after doing the similar fate a week ago in SF...just when does Buddy go out and save him and us from this non-sacred cow ... A bit of a save from the stocks yesterday as the European market still affects ours... I vowed that when we sell our Orygun home we are going on a month long stint to know this is a huge deal as I'm not the world's ...