
Showing posts from February 3, 2019

Feeling Groovy

Morning,'s already the weekend...what you have planned?...this weather around the country makes moving about real hard, huh... cold most spots, including down here in SoCal ...without a doubt, the coolest we have had since's the thing, we KNOW it will warm up real soon...of course, I have been saying that for a couple of weeks now...ha ha... The acting AG of our USA was in front of a Congressional Comm...yesterday...and taking queries into his job...subpoenaed?...I think so... Matthew Whitaker ...he could not have been more belligerent...which makes me wonder how much he knows, is hiding, and is shielding Trump from any shenanigans...well, HIS shenanigans...Trump's...gosh, I could have said that better...but, you get it, right?... The Grammy's are this weekend...and a gal is going to be honored and have her songs sung blue...oops, that's a Neil one, my pardon...she's having others do THEIR versions of HERS!... Dolly Parton ......

Where Are We?

'What if God was one of us?' remember the lyrics to a song, that has this line in it?...well now, we went to her concert last eve...and all along the way, we had a journey of epic was at 'The Belly Up' in Solana Beach ...a venue that has it's good and it's bad...we'll get save our soul, and, er to arrive without a search for a parking spot...and to have a brewskie or two...too...and not face the slight chance of a DUI... We are in a cold down here in SoCal ...and the Lyft ride was a bit uncomfortable, as the driver had it like real hot...when we pulled up, the line was already long... the doors open up at 7 ...the show at 8...and here is the rub...there are seats available for the GA tix...but, as we were has to get there at SIX to get the seats...alas, NO WAY were we going to wait that long... So, as we got into the building, the seats were all taken...we were destined to be standing ...

Batten Down The Hatches

Batten? that really a word?...hmmm...what I am referring to is that the Futures took a humongous hit this morning...and, if my theory holds up, the Market will, a bad hit ...not sure how you protect your $ when this happens... 'ride it out' ...well, according to Trump, our economy is STRONG!'s your portfolio doing in the past 6 months?... Despite his warning to stop the investigation of him and his past... Trump. ..the money, it's always 'follow the money' ...where did he get it? much, and who was the carrier?...more of his cry 'witch hunt' ...the House is on it...and they want everything, Donny...any chance that the infamous tax returns will appear? many times can he use 'executive privilege?'...and his latest sob story...that he is a VICTIM!...what?... 'UNLIMITED PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!' ...not sure if he really knows what unlimited means... The Virginia leadership is a mess...what else woul...


Morning,'s finally a GOLF day...whew...the weather is taking a breath...of fresh, the hacks can get out and slosh through the soggy grounds that have to be just that...well, I said I wouldn't, but I did...yup, took in the Trump Show ...had to do so for me to analyze it, just HAD to watch it...geez... It wasn't terrible. ..if I were to grade it, the 'D' would be the one...he spent most of his 1 and 1/2 hours talking to his base ...the pseudo Repubs, who have chosen to follow him...the bulk of the 'speech' was directed towards the Trump Wall ...well, the need for it...unfortunately, he used inaccurate numbers and issues that were full of holes...that lacked the truth...same old business, for him...facts are out the window... His delivery , is no doubt the worst of our time for the position ...often missing words, or sentences that tied what he was supposed to say, gone...the oration that we were used to, when Prez O wrapped his voic...

Plight of the Union

Any time the President stands in front of Congress and proclaims that the Union is the strongest ever ...there have been times, that it has been true...and for sure, make that, BEEN in the past...cuz now, we have chaos... he has thrown the country into the worst polarization since the 50's ...relying on the Republicans to follow his ways...has to be reluctantly, right?... I am referring to this evenings, State of the Union address...that Trump will bellow out to the masses civil will the opposition be?...or, how much disgust will they show?...but, even more so, is the speech itself...and this is what I fear....that he will try to make a big statement... There are 2 agenda items that could emerge...the first is that he is going to ramble on about the need for his Trump Wall. ..and then proclaim that he is going to declare an emergency and will fund it that way...the Democrats may boo, or worse, walk out of the House...a first for the floor... Or, secondly,...


Morning, you Sooper Bowl fanatics! ...chances are you went with your heart instead of your your pick for the winner of number Fifty THREE of those classics...hey, weren't the THREES wild?... 13-3, solid win for the New England Patriots ...yup, yet HC Bill Bellycheck, and QB Tom Terrific , persevered for their 6th time...SIX TIMES, kids...6! ...and they are not through...they are not quitting... To be fair and honest...ooh, impartial... the Rams were prepared defensively. ..allowing 13 points for a game, normally is a winner...but, so were the Pat's...defense ...holding LaLa to THREE...absolutely AWESOME!...right?...for many, this was a boring Sooper Bowl...for the lack of scoring...well, it was a fast paced one...but dang it, the bloody commercials were lame, too...geez, did I just say the game was lame?... So, I took Sammi on a dog run, as the halftime show was about to commence...ah, not a fan of Maroon 5...well, the lead singer, Adam Levine .....

The Results Are In

How did YOUR ground hog do?...ah, did he (she?) see his (her?) shadow? ...around down here, it (ha ha) did NOT! that means that we are to get mild weather for the next 6 weeks? ...OK, maybe that's an old wives (hubby's?) tale...but, we are scheduled to have 3 more days of the bloody wet stuff...booo...'but we need it'... Ground Hogs Day ...ah, that was yesterday, and it did rain and the sun didn't shine...and that's the end to that story for this year... I quickly went over the Guv of Virginia fiasco ...did he or didn't he?...paint his face black...or did he dress in a KKK outfit?...pictured in his '84 medical annual...lawdy, that in itself is an embarrassment for his colleagues, if he did not, in fact, show up in the said pix... the Demo powers have said enough is enough, and resign ...I will go with them on this... Every person has the right to say what he (she) wants to...politics brings that out...and you do not have to have the backgro...