I Feel The Earth Move

'I feel the earth move, under my feet' ...line from the epic song by Carole King ...hold so true on yet another of them dang earthquakes ...as our condo, swayed, creaked, and absorbed the shock ...the elevators, all 4 of them, automatically, shut down...hopefully, with no one aboard...this last eve, about 8:20...as I was watching the Pads/Bums beisbol game on the tele...the crack announcing team of Don and Mudcat, called it right out...as the cameras were swaying and jiggling, too...the same effect hit us... the game was in LA, and we are down here in SD ... It was a 7.1 reading!... the epicenter was close to the one earlier in the week ...imagine, what those folks are going thru...in the condo, we could hear creaking in the building, which is mighty eerie, kids...the lights were swaying...and the vertical living people were all out on their balconies...looking at others...it lasted about 30 to 45 seconds...something like that...as one of my Facebook friends stated, ...