With the breaking news of the DOJ indicting 12 Russians ...for hacking the DNC webnet connections...emails, and whatever ...what part of this doesn't smell like 44 years ago?...Watergate ...this is just the tipping point, kids...with this info, that the indicted received...what did they do with it?...why?...who met with whom, to give the info to?'s all there for the finding...sure, there will be roadblocks set up... Incredible tweet from POTUS today... accusing former Prez Obama for the lack of protection from the Russian spies ...listen, Donny, they are coming after YOU! ...just a matter of he is preparing for a friendly summit with Russian leader, Putin....well, he is playing golf in to collect his thoughts...hey, and how did you weather the hundreds of thousands of Brits...DEMONSTRATING against you ... YOU! ...our allies? embarrassment for the USA... Cringeworthy ...that is the word used by the English D...