Shut Down, Deja Vu
Here we go again ...this is troublesome from all we are in the midst of a virus ladened life here in SoCal ...shoot, it's everywhere...and the Cali Guv Newsome , is responding... SHUT 'ER DOWN! ... stay at home...don't travel...NO GROUPINGS!...the closure of all restaurants and bars...take out only can imagine what else is SHUT DOWN! the numbers of Covid are off the, I am not even sure what the color is used on Deja Vu , all over we ALL pay for people who haven't done what has been asked ... mask, social distance and wash you hands in SD, we have been on orders of being in the casa, from 10 pm til 6 am...ah, except the street, we have been ahead of the curve...curve?...well, ahead of the mandates... I must say, that wherever I go, wherever I watch, wherever I look...I see all people in masks distancing?...appears so...but, who knows what happens behind closed doors...