Can It Be Done?
The big question is, "Can it be done?" ...the Triple the Belmont ...NY...where these beautiful animals, with a rider, travel a mile and a half...and it's up to California Chrome to break the streak of 36 straight failures doing such a feat... what do I think? heart says yes...but me brain says it is a long shot ...why?...the extra distance...greatly fear the two horses that I also picked in the Derby... Curlin and Saamrat ...of course, I will bet CC and hope for the's this Saturday... EEGADS, another mistake...thanks to Cliffy who corrected me on this...the Belmont is June 8th!!! How long has it been for the missing plane? ...poof...vanished in thin air...really?...and nobody is talking about it anymore...I just can't buy this... when we spend so much airtime on the ridiculous KK wedding...for someone to have a 3 peat ...well...I can see it if we are talking the Heat earning something thrice...silly silly silly... Why is ...