Interview Reduntancies

NFL ...I suppose I am saying the obvious here...but how many times must we listen or watch what the "experts' say about who and when the collegiate football players are going to be drafted?...there are guys who actually make a salary doing this... and I'm sure they are making a decent sum... BOZOS ... The redundant interviews of the the conglomerate of coaching and owner staffs of each team in the league...c' many times can you send a group to interview either FSU's Winston or UO's Mariota ?...the stories are guy has a huge checkered past and one has a spot on one...duh...and you need to travel to Tallahassee to figure it out?...or to Eugene?... what a joke... You need to be spending time with the rest of your all the rest of the that's where you make or break your team...however, there is a reason you are picking in the top are not one of the best organizations ...and chances a...