Term Limits
I know I have talked about this before...but, it warrants another TERM ... the idea that came from the master mind of one Larry Gahr ...in one of our rousing talks about politics...for youse unaware of the bloke, he was a teacher, coach in the grand state of Orygun ...last time out, I asked if he talked to others about this, especially his golfing crew...nope...just all from his perspective...that the Presidency and the Congressionals (Reps and Senators), are garnered for one SIX YEAR TERM...ONLY! ...that way, the winner works at his or her position the ENTIRE time, and not for re-election the last TWO years of it, like they do now... I like the idea of fresh faces in the power seats ...one might say, younger folk...but, that is not necessarily so...an elder could run, just not back to back...right?...there are so many implications that would come about, for sure...there would be tweaks and twists and who knows...and to change this, would mean a full scale adaptation by Congress...th...