
Hey Hey, it's the weekend! ...time to sleep in (not)...take the boat out to the bay (no boat) up the grill (the home won't let us have a charcoal one)...sit down with a cup of Joe and read the paper (not arrived)...turn on some new music (there is none)...ah, shoot, it's still Saturday... FRANKLY , my dear, I don't give a damn what the negatives are... The hot topic everywhere in my reading span of web net the dude who allegedly used gals (all ages) for sex for a lot of....himself and some very rich type of friends.... Jeffrey Epstein ... committed suicide in the Manhattan jail he was locked up in...hmmm, this was his 2nd, and final you find it odd, that this was done?...don't they put a guy like this on a suicide watch?...I dunno, I see it on the pixels all the time... Speaking of Trump , wasn't I?...he has signed on to a (another?) very controversial movement in Alaska...after meeting with that states...