Choices Choices
Uh oh, the Horse was a thinking again ...way deep...we, the people, have CHOICES to make, most every single general, as to VOTE for a Democrat or a Republican...why do we have but 2 to pick from? go to your local Costco...they have already limited your CHOICES to two of most the flower stand, boxed or unboxed?...yea, so there are more of the 'so many CHOICES ' times, that we, you, or I, just stare at all that are available... Looking at a 'food board' ...standing in others are waiting for you to many of you just freeze up?...can not make up your mind.. .'they are all so good' ...just try a coffee drive up window.. .'an American, double shot, with cream, and extra ice' all cars that suggest that you use ethyl, can they function with the mid range one?...or, the blasphemy of it all, regular?... Milk...non fat, 2%, fatty milk...and what the hell is organic milk? these cows have spec...