I Almost Cut My Hair

David Crosby ...ha ha...one of the last bastions of appearance...what your hair looks like...for some, the coloring of it is essential...not that I haven't tried it...I have gone platinum two or three times...and it ticks off some...what?...you ladies get yours done ALL the time...and do whatever it takes to get the grey out... You sometimes have to get it cut a different way...you know, a bob or something like that...I went in yesterday to an old time barber shop...$10 a head...if I plan ahead, I go a block away and get a scissor cut for more than three times that amount... As I sat in the chair, I told him "don't cut much"...leave the top (what's left) and trim the sides...hmmm, not sure he spoke my lingo...and did whatever he wanted to do...I mean the price was right...I looked to my left and my right...everyone there was getting the military cut... The sides are shaved purnt near to the bone...the cranium never looked so naked...and they seemed happy.....