Trouble in Paradise

There is always this concern...when you live in a high rise...that you are dependent on others for making sure there is no FLOODING ...ah yes...and the fear became a the building uses a water based heat pump system...which we personally, just had fixed...and up on the 20th of the pipes burst!...and the water came down...fortunately for was stopped prior to our on the 8th or so...however, the water stripped the circuit of the 4 elevators...and the entire building is down to walking the stairs...and we have heat and you can imagine...the place is a mess... Of course, we are in a major rebuild of our kitchen...and we have nothing today was the day that all was to be resurrected!...nope...not now...and we are talking at least Monday...probably think we aren't debating the house in North Park?...hmmm.... Well, my esteemed colleague from Orygun, Snooki ...gave me the what fors...over and ...