
Showing posts from February 22, 2015

House of Cards

Hey hey, how are you all, you fine Horsites? ...I probably canceled my golf game this am too was raining out at the course and I promptly said no...seems OK now...hmmm...oh well, we have a cold front running in...and reportedly a 4 day stretch of the wet stuff... We watched the 1st 2 episodes of the House of Cards for this season (3)...and they were boring. ...if I hadn't already bought into the show, I probably wouldn't continue on...there has to be more good stuff in the offing...right?... Idol ...saw both the boys and girls nights...and I must say, the guys are overall much better than the gals ...outside of but a couple of the ladies, the pickings were slim...and I would say 10 of the 12 blokes were's early...but... NBA ...very good win for the Blazers over the Thunder...I think it's their 3rd straight over OKC...of course, their big is what...beat whomever is on the floor...and count it...after the Cavs win over GS, they...


If you were to believe the latest "reports", one might think that coffee is good for you...recent studies find many things that support that...ward off cancer, fend off alzheimer...and on and on...fact is a waker upper...a gold jolt for the am...and for most of us, the darker gives the best taste...I prefer french roast, or italian roast...anyway, the fresher the beans, the better the brew... In the time I have been a blogging, I have gone thru like 4 or 5 different sources of finding the perfect cup of Joe ...duh, the slang term for it in the 40', 1940's...and with varying degrees of success or failure, depending on whether you see the glass half full or half empty...the latest is the Black and Decker Mill and Brew ...does a good job...but it takes 15 minutes to get the carafe filled...and as you know, dispensed with the Keurig, as I had to clean it way too many times to keep it going right...and it wasn't hot enough for us... Half empty?. .....

Top of the Morning

Good morning!'s been a couple of days...I know... playing golf and all...pushing my cart is hard for an oldster...ha ha...the weather has been fantastic...and have been out in's been a shaking?... The Blazers beat up on the PDX...Port had all their blokes...and it showed...Mathews and the French Kid, Batum... had wonderful games...and the type of D they play fits perfectly against SA...who does not have great outside fact, they are aging badly...and are now just old team...and on their way says me... The Clip Joint got beat at Houston...both teams are missing key guys...but...the Rockets have the Beard...and the Clips have PG is dang good and one is way over-rated...guess... This horrible guy who has been the main killer in the mid east...has been fingered as a former Londoner... "Jihadi John" ...unbelievably well educated...just a matter of time now...he will get his due... Ther...

Da Boooring Oscars

I tried, I really watch the Academy Awards ...the pretty people getting the pretty award from other pretty people...and that was the highlight!...what the pretty people were draping themselves in... but the event itself drug on and on...and on...and on ...too many awards for peops that were deserving, yet were unknowns to us masses...and the host was a boor...finally had to switch to the free Blazer game...which too, was a boor...I give the production a D+ ...just better than passing with a D... LA Golf T...Northern Trust ...a logjam at the top...on a brutally tough course...especially with in-climate weather...the oldies but goodies faded...and out of the pile came the young bucks... D Johnson, fresh from a suspension, the Englishmen, Paul Casey, and the eventual winner, James Hahn...who was my pick I boldly predicted to my son earlier in the day... Birdman ...when it comes to the pixels, I will watch it...not until then... I must get this out...this town is gett...

The Move, Part Deux

Morning kids...a little of the wet stuff on the ground...eegads, a storm!...sort the Chargers possible move to Carson stirred up many emotions throughout this part of the world...and the elation of the city of Carson fresh in our minds... Brought this...the land that the 2 teams bought is full of decay and worse...and there are those pundits around here that say this is all a get the big pockets to pony up $ to keep the beloved Bolts in tow and in town...force the task force to put up or shut up... There are already two stadiums that have been built in Carson...I am an extreme doubter about this is a's very real...and will happen...the problem LA willing to support a possibility of 3 NFL teams?...all reports have the Raiders and the Rams as being major favs...way over the Bolts...which makes me waver a bit on the certainty...not 100%...but... The ownership is trying everything they can to get their "new palace"...won'...