
Showing posts from October 11, 2020

Foggy Thoughts

This is what I woketh up to this am...dense FOG! ... parallels what is in me brain , I know, there is merit to this...a concept that shouldn't be overlooked... are we looking too far ahead, than what is right here before us? ...what we can see, is worthy of deeper consideration...alas, there are those of you who may just think that the Horse has finally lost in the, really...what needs to happen, perhaps change, is close to us... right here and right now ... We witness it daily... t he incorrigible rants and raves of the supposed leader of the USA ...his obliteration of the language...his misuse of it...carrying on with his revivals, with a 'monster' amount of new cases of the Covid 19 hitting our country... as he pouts, harangues, and belittles at least half of the land that he is supposedly the president of...who does that? ...and he expects to get them to actually VOTE for him?...c'mon...totally disregarding the virus and the arterie...

Friday's Query

Rather than tape the bloody town, who would do that?... I tried to be bop and balance all three thangs at the same time know, watch a little of this, then a little of that, then, know, like what it says to do on the shampoo bottle...who does that?...I said 3...what was the 3rd one?...the beisbol game of the (Devil) Rays and the cheatin' Astros...of course, I missed the game winning HR by Houston...and, in reality, there was nothing that was gonna change my (and your) vote from these town halls...nevertheless... I have but one query this that gets me riled up every time I think of it... why would anyone want to suppress the vote of his (or her) country? trump is doing...suggesting that it is 'rigged' ...ah, then if so, why would anyone even bother?... the mail in vote is corrupt (ah, that's how HE votes)...the illegals are voting...there are people who are voting more than once...dead peops are...let's reduce the powe...

Debauched Demagogue

Morning, kids. we sit with this beautiful weather pattern in oh so sunny south SoCa l...yea boy. we have been basking in our pool...true dat...well, by 'our', I mean the condo's...that we pay for...but, do NOT have to clean and maintain...ha ha...I think we started the 'cocoon campaign' of noodle peoples in the 82.5 degree water ...some even have some 'illegal' devices...that they, gulp, float about... we are pining for some pool police to pull the plug on the perpetrators ...if it has a nipple, it shall be deflated... Talk about your debacle... the hated Bums scored 11 runs in the FIRST inning of their onslaught over the Atlanta 'Braves' that Atl manager can let a bloke withstand all them runs, without pulling the grounds for suspension...anyhoo, LA got a much needed win...and over at Petco.. .the cheatin' Astros got a W,, they didn't get swept by TB...but, the strike zone by the HP ump was

Hypothetical Q's

She is in the PERFECT STORM ... the same party that has the White House and the Senate ...the system that the country has to select a new Supreme Court member, in this case, Amy Coney Barrett , has a free run at the job...her only interview is with the Senate...a bing bang bong, slashing...then, the positive vote...and she is in for LIFE! ...argh, but just wait a minute...let's look at this a bit deeper... In the inception of the country... the elite did not trust the common man ...well, the women weren't allowed to vote, there were stop gaps set up, to make sure THEIR guy got in...wherever he needed to get in.. .the Electoral College, the Supreme Court ...the big ones... Prez and Judge ... 'we will vote for you' ...was the mantra.. .'trust us' ...of course, you white people went right along with this...alas, that were the only ones setting it all up and then, having the right to...VOTE...well, whatever it was called... Yea, so the popular vote ...


And this is why I am CRAZY HORSE ...well, at least a tad bit crazy ...I caught drift of a debate that was to be aired on a station that I unknowingly, had never watched I may have, sometime in my past...I doubt it... C-SPAN interest?.. .the Senate seat of Kentucky ...the incumbent, Mitch McConnell, has a viable opponent in Amy McGrath ...and I felt the need to witness the was a doozy!...she is great!... a former MARINE FIGHTER PILOT! ...I kid you not...speaks well...married and has 3 kids...with an absolute impeccable background...McConnell, has been the major Senatorial supporter of KNOW him.. .but, did you know he is 78? ...for those of you so worried about Biden's age...anyhoo, a civil, terrific exchange of ideas and concepts it time for the torch to be handed off?... Orange got to have his revival after all in Florida... the previews were all about how the crowd was going to be masked up and social distanced. ..give us all a b...

You Voted?

Make sure you have VOTED! ...OK, plan it...if you are one that must go to a polling lieu of a mail in jobbie... study what is on the ballot what you need to... make sure you sign it ...if the mail one...ours, does not need stamps...yours might... MAKE IT HAPPEN! ... It's kind of a holiday for some... National Indigenous Day ...others, may call it Columbus Day know, the Injuns Day ...gosh, CC thought it was the West Indies ...the name stuck for many generations...some even tagged it on some professional teams, colleges or universities, and lots of slogans, mascots, er, know 'em... the Indians, the Braves, the Fighting Sioux, the Chiefs, yea, and on and on...the worst?....hands down, the Redskins ...I call it, National Native Americans Day ...still... Orange is in a celebratory mood...gonna hit his fav state, Florida.. .have a revival in Orlando masks needed...ah, hey watched a debacle on Sunday am... Kusay (Erik) was on...

Well, Excuse Me

'Well, excuse me, but I think you've got my chair....' ...this is the polite way, to say that you have encroached on my see, I just went to get a I was here before...I went into the bar section, might have stayed a pinch too long...but, that chair, indeed was mine...what? don't believe me?... Belief is a forgotten word...nobody believes anyone any more...this time line, that I speak of, is in the past 4 years...the mindless drivel that comes out of trump...the lies and accusations...the bloody name calling...leads too many to not trust ... belief and trust...gone ...for now...we can do something about this, kids...correct the wrong that has been laid upon us... VOTE!, do not procrastinate... True or False? ...trump's personal doctor, has renounced his illness...the Covid is out of his system... 'he is no longer contagious' ...but, he did not say, 'he is no longer dangerous''s a miracle!, he ...