Foggy Thoughts
This is what I woketh up to this am...dense FOG! ... parallels what is in me brain , I know, there is merit to this...a concept that shouldn't be overlooked... are we looking too far ahead, than what is right here before us? ...what we can see, is worthy of deeper consideration...alas, there are those of you who may just think that the Horse has finally lost in the, really...what needs to happen, perhaps change, is close to us... right here and right now ... We witness it daily... t he incorrigible rants and raves of the supposed leader of the USA ...his obliteration of the language...his misuse of it...carrying on with his revivals, with a 'monster' amount of new cases of the Covid 19 hitting our country... as he pouts, harangues, and belittles at least half of the land that he is supposedly the president of...who does that? ...and he expects to get them to actually VOTE for him?...c'mon...totally disregarding the virus and the arterie...