Weekend Writings

Just a ditty here and there... My sources are saying that the NBA lockout is for real...there is a 99% chance of NO NBA this season...a gauge for us common man? How many of the players sign to play in Europe... Kobe is rumored to be the next one... You think I'm kidding about the lobbyist's money that go to your congress person? Check out the latest info on Boehner , speaker of the House...and where it ($) comes from...like the tobacco industry for one...and then go to your state and check your peop out... you will be disgusted... The Padres lose a 3-2 gamer at home... Ludwig leaves a ton on base...like I said before, a six pack would be a good deal...he's not a clutch player...and the Cards knew it last year when they unloaded him on us, via the play station GM ...bitter am I, naw...we were 10 games up on the field when we got him, put him in the lineup, sent down the guys who were getting it done, and left him out there to morph in to our big late season col...