The Road to the Concert
A mere Uber ride to the Pechanga Arena ...what was once called the Sports Arena ...yup, down here in south SoCal, er, San Diego ...a concert to be viewed... Blake Shelton, you have the, here are the actual facts, ma'am uncensored take on the happenings of the eve.... The ride ... our guy got in a jam around the arena...we had to double back and then dropped off...fortunately in the right luck job...we pranced right up to a 'smallish' line to get into the festive hall... security at these events are not only time consuming but, detailed to the max ...I got thru, then Marsh was held up?...say what?... her mini purse , was 1 inch too big ...what?...we had to exit and get rid of the bag...WTH?... Many ladies were in the same predicament. ..the bags were tiny, as is...people were ticked, of course, as were we...we did not have a car to go back to, and drop her bag gal, in the same pickle, hid hers in the foliage ...