Game Day
Early morning here in has been very similar that of Oregon in the fall...actually showered some on us while we golfed yesterday...Cris and Leila's place is great and they are so gracious to put up with us...his new office is awesome and state of the art...our teeth cleaning process be done for a while... The city of Sacramento just goes on and on...much like Keizer....vast amount of strip malls and rancher style homes...the mid town area, however, is more on the lines of the Grant High park community in Portland...huge homes in In and around beautiful in all Cali urban areas, they have a significant amount of bums...or are they homeless? Don't know, but you in Oregon have little of this issue... As I wear my Duck gear around I can't tell you how many people say "Go Ducks" is unreal...last night as we were picking up pizza, a waitress came up to me and said she lurved my sweatshirt...and she was from eastern Oregon....I told h...