Peaceful Easy Feeling

Just close your eyes, and take a big deep breath ...and let your cares fade away...just for a little while...relax...saunter on over to the kitchen counter, find your favorite coffee mug...and pour a cup of your finest French Roast ...add some cream and sugar, if you must... take that sip...the first is always the best, settle in and let your mind get involved with the reading of the Horse ... One of the huge advantages of living in the city all of the restaurants and bars, so close by...the mountains, the airport, the bay, and the ocean particular, this area called San Diego we got the itch to go to the beach yesterday...the top down, we cruise over to Mission Beach , a scant 15 minutes away... take out our beach chairs, our Padre towel...earphones and the books ...and groove for a couple of the waves pound on the sand... now THIS, is a peaceful, easy feeling... The rest of the day... watching the dudes play the Genesis Open in LaLa Land...