A New Low

Another day, another Tweet...by POTUS ...his way of having fireside chats, I suppose...keep the USA up, on all his miracles, that he is accomplishing...of course, I am tongue in cheek...but...last night was his NEW LOW . .. incredulous...unneeded...unbelieving...why? ...as he said that he just had watched an interview by the dumbest person on TV, CNN's Don Lemon ...of LeBron James , 'that he made James look smart, which isn't easy to do' ...he finished with 'I Like Mike'... no, NO NO, Donny, I think WE ALL know who is the DUMBEST person on television, and it isn't that Don ...is there anything that he won't say or do?...his blatant misuse of the pulpit is beyond comprehension...and has sunk to yet another... NEW LOW ... Tick Tick Tick ... Our amigos, da Maduzas, lent us there DVD of 'Jersey Boys' ...we have seen the play in Vegas of it...this flick version was more comprehensive...flat out, a terrific movie...if you haven't got the bac...