
Showing posts from July 29, 2018

A New Low

Another day, another POTUS ...his way of having fireside chats, I suppose...keep the USA up, on all his miracles, that he is accomplishing...of course, I am tongue in cheek...but...last night was his NEW LOW . .. incredulous...unneeded...unbelieving...why? he said that he just had watched an interview by the dumbest person on TV, CNN's Don Lemon ...of LeBron James , 'that he made James look smart, which isn't easy to do' ...he finished with 'I Like Mike'... no, NO NO, Donny, I think WE ALL know who is the DUMBEST person on television, and it isn't that Don there anything that he won't say or do?...his blatant misuse of the pulpit is beyond comprehension...and has sunk to yet another... NEW LOW ... Tick Tick Tick ... Our amigos, da Maduzas, lent us there DVD of 'Jersey Boys' ...we have seen the play in Vegas of it...this flick version was more comprehensive...flat out, a terrific movie...if you haven't got the bac...

A Hoppy Beer Day

Some times that come along, are just worth mentioning...whether you are a chug a lugger , or a fine sipper of the brewer's best is International Beer Day! ...c'mon...but just have ONE, if ya'll are driving...on the other hand, call Uber or Lyft...and have a couple more...used to be...and I do mean USED TO BE ...t he Buds, Millers, Coors, and the like, there are so many micro every region of this big, humongous world of ours... From hoppy, to not so...dark, to light...bubbly, to dense...I really dig the Belgian ones, that are very Coke like...carbonation, I think...and the latest that has the perfect taste, to moi...the 805 ...brewed around Santa Barbara...while in Maui, I can't resist the Blonde...made by their island company, Maui Bikini Blonde's called...geez, in Nashville, I get the one that you can't get in the west...get my drift?... it's all in the eyes of the beholder...and where you are...there are so many to choos...


Here we go, surviving in the heat of the summer...and are about to watch the first NFL game of the season...WHAT?...imagine being in those uni's...the HOF Game ...Hall of Fame...yessiree, Bob, just try and stop the onslaught...tomorrow, you can feast your eyes on the CFL...Canadian Football...where Johnny Football is the QB in Montreal...the high schoolers have started around here... the pigskin has ARRIVED!... So, Snooki and I were a talking...about us making a trip up to the PNW for a Duckee game...settled on the best one, and then, had HIM find us some tix...against the pre-season favorite for the Pac 12, the Washington Huskies ...done...and then got us some flights...thanks to the companion fare promo of the Alaska is totally affordable, even for a guy on a fixed income...couple with that, it is my birthday weekend...let's just say, it shall be wunnerful... POTUS has given a warning to the Attorney General call off the 'witch hunt...


And I am NOT talking about sunglasses... POLARIZED! ...what could you not take from POTUS's speech in Tampa last eve?...let's start with the obvious... the frenzied crowd there was predominately of one color ...and that wasn't red, black, yellow, or brown...according to the former Congressional from that state in attendance, who, by the way is a...Republican... The chants to the CNN reporter that was covering it... 'CNN sucks' ...well, what do you expect when Donny continues to label that station 'Fake News'... his continual attacks on the border issue, while his incompetence has led to over 600 children without parents...due to the fact that the parents have already been deported ...what now, DJT? mention of this in his rant... In the past, I may have watched his 'speech' in humor....made me more... it is belittling, attacking, and degrading ...his caricature of the picture ID usage for buying groceries...when was the las...

Collusion is NOT a Crime?

Ah ha, and now we have another form of collaboration... Rudy and Donny , who are both leaking out that the term 'collusion' is NOT a Crime ...there you go, the next mini-step in the unraveling of this...THIS meaning the fall from grace...why would they go there?...sure, cuz they are assuming that the Cohen tapes will suggest and then...PROVE there is COLLUSION! ... They are trying to persuade the public as to the actual judicial system...will it not be too long that there will be some Tweet that mocks the laws of the land? ...slanted, of course, HIS way?...OK, let's step back a bit...and let the court work over DJT's former Campaign Mgr , Paul Manafort ... Starts today, I think...selection of jurors...and the hot topic of the morning...that Manafort made $60 million bucks in working with the Ukranian's via consulting ...uh huh...unfortunately, not taxed cash by him...and the wall is beginning to crack... is this not worse than Watergate? ...for you not old...

A True Identity

Hey all, just a short lil something this am...I have a very early tee time...and a brand new putter to try out...kind of excited... here's my rant today ... It's about time that the San Diego Padres settle on a true identity ...and I am not talking about being a perennial loser...which may be their mantra...but, in the uniforms that they wear. know there is the Dodger Blue , the Yankees Pin Stripes , da Chicago Cubs ...and on and on...and listen, it wasn't that long ago, that da Cubbies lost as much as da Padres... In their inception, SD was the mellow yellow Brown ...the thang of that era... which evolved into a blue ...somehow...different owners, I suppose...had some pinstripes, too...along the way...then, there was a camouflage one, then another...egads, there are like 6-10 models that they have used... QUIT! ...settle on one and be's about time, that they settle on the BROWN ...nobody, I mean NOBODY, else has 'em would see a...

Coke Rises

Morning, kids...not sure if you are aware of this backlash from your fav, DJT...his tariff war came back and struck him right where he drinks the most...his fav, Coca Cola raising their prices! ...NO!...not again...the company says it's due to the tariffs that are on aluminum...thanks, Donny... Brings back an era, when those soft drink companies raised their prices due to the lack of sugar ...early 70's...of course, it lasted but a season...however, t he prices never came back down this not another one of those raises?...probably...I took offense to Coke back then, as I was a Tab drinker ...and it had NO SUGAR in it...why did I have to pay more?... This little gem out of DC... Rudy has given a warning out to Michael Cohen ... 'you better watch what you are saying' ...wooah, who ARE you?...Tony Soprano?...tick tick tick... Speaking of the Coke sugar dilemma , there was this awesome cross over country song that went to the top of the charts...not ...