Speak Easy

When laws, however unpopular, are set in to place...there is the chance that undercurrents may start up ...nearly 100 years ago, there was this ban on alcohol...can't make it, can't sell it, can't buy it...right...so the under world took over...illegal moonshines...great stories on those...beer makers, stopped?...right...out of this restriction came the Speak Easy ... private clubs, that were hidden from the police, and perhaps, most of the public... This era is not done, kids...the present SCOTUS, the Supreme Court of the land...is taking us back ...to when we were NOT integrated...not just black and white...but, all colors...and all types of people...people, just people, who want to live their lives like anyone else...I am truly ashamed of the direction of that court... men, make that MEN, making decisions on what the WOMEN do with their bodies...they, hide behind, their token nomenclature of Christianity...are you Christian?...if not, you are not worthy...a heathen ...wh...