Have Mercy
You ever been in the path of one of those Floridian storms? ...we were once... in Cocoa Beach ... and the sky turned absolutely BLACK ...at 11 am! ...really terrifying...we were lucky...missed us...the west coast of the state was not yesterday...Ft Myers the key...Naples...category 4 is horrific...thinking back to the PNW's Columbus Day Storm...which was a Cat 3...and that was bad enough...right?...for those of you old enough and lived in that area...weatherman Horse here, those waters surrounding Florida are way too warm...all I can say, is have mercy on those who have to rebuild...and those who lost their lives... One of my constants rags, is how often the game of football is affected by the defender tackling with his head...the helmet ...for which is in constant change to protect the user!...thing is, it has become more of a weapon, too...Miami's Tua got hammered that way in last weekends game...and was obviously seeing stars...should have been pulled immediately...yet, thei...