
Showing posts from October 13, 2019

Why Hillary, Why?

To give the Trump Train a rest for a bit ...well, sort of...the news out of the right coast was in my words, out of the shadows comes the one and only Hillary Clinton ...ah, what?...suggesting that there is yet another sinister plot in the works for the 2020 Prez Election ...orchestrated by the Russians, of course ...and she names names...placing the placard of sabotage on the right now Demo candy woman, Tulsi Gabbard ... Say what?...that she is to be groomed as a Third Party runner. ..where is she getting her info?...and, more importantly, why is Hillary a news item...??? this a master plan by Roger Stone, to find deflection in the impending impeachment?...bring her name up...get her in the limelight...and bring back the erased emails?... There are so many more important things going on.. .let's not return to the '16 failed Hillary run ...nope...and for the sake of the Democrats, please Ms. Clinton, very politely BOW OUT of the current race...yo...

Emoluments, Part Deux...

Weren't we just talking about this... EMOLUMENTS? ... your guy Trump , is working thru that word, yet he has announced the next meeting of the G-7 will be at his very own resort down in Miami. ..for you who are still unaware of the meaning...ah, by the Constitution... taking bucks and profiting by your unacceptable ...UNLESS, you run it by Congress and you get THEIR approval...fat chance of that happening... Could be very similar to the hot mess he has in the Ukraine ...all for he may be out of office by then ...hmmm, could he still host it?...even though, Mike Pence would be the new leader?... would not be an emolument then for's an idea, hold it at Camp David... One of the blokes, directly involved in the Ukrainegate.... Rick Perry ...has given his resignation to other words, not under his spell anymore ...gosh, that has to be a the age of 69, nobody needs to go to work and be badgered b...

The Impact

BREAKING! ...just watched acting somebody, Mulvaney ...who not only is extremely flippant...arrogant, which is in itself mind to the press...which Donny would never do...and he admitted that Trump dangled the $ in exchange for the dirt on Biden ....this is what we do... 'get over it' ...was his comment.. .acting?...not for long...PRO-QUID-PRO!...oops, make that QUID-PRO-QUO ... Morning, I spend so much time trying to figure out the dilemma we are stuck in... the White House Conundrum to why...and how did we get here ...I go back to what the Congressional folk must be saying and thinking, is the same...regardless of the party they party hardy on their weekends... having their scotch and bourbons, whatever their drink of choice is...shoot, it may be the white wine crowd ...I dunno...and YOU KNOW they are a can one guy be so wrong?...the list of items are off any chart...and I think more of what The...

Silly Season

Can ya'll recall the PGA's SILLY SEASON? ...when the tour was completed...and there was actually a break until the next year ...where the special events took place...where it usually featured Freddy Couples dominating.. .team games...matches...4 man best ball games ...the elite got the invites... Jack, Arnie, Lee and Tom ...then, other greats got was fun...great weekend viewing...but, not anymore...the tour starts right up after the season ending tournament...they call it the wrap around season...I call it greed...I miss the made for tv stuff...anyhoo... I keep wondering what the heck is the motive for Trump and Turkey ...he does have buildings, er, Trump Towers in Istanbul...he has and does commingle with the leaders of the country...outside of the path of government...maybe, a promise or something to them?...he had to have a deal to do what he did...I just don't know.. .perhaps, it is with Putin.. .who promptly moved his troops into the Kurds area......

Pick 'Em

As the handicappers in the hoss world, say... when a race is too close to call in the Democrats field of wannabes ...for the 2020 election ...they announce it is a 'PICK 'EM' race...well now, maybe not so there are TWO that stand, favorites to speak...not that the long shots can't come in and win...similar to the racing world, I reckon...ha ha... .it's like a 2 miler, and we are at the club house turn ...egads, only the Horse can equate this...yet, tonight we have 12 of the top choices in debate YOU can make up YOUR mind who should be representing YOU ...I have my picks, but it is early...and the form is not conclusive... so, I watch and keep handicapping... I'm afraid that the actions of Trump in Syria may be, outside of the absurd, too late...his thinking that his only way of handling foreign, to 'sanction' them...not diplomacy, kids ...but, to attempt to bully a country...

Tickle Me

Hi, you know I have been on the go for over 2 weeks...and the Blog has suffered...pardon in the next month, I shall be present and held accountable for. ..well, sort of...let's do this... how have YOU been?. .. following the Apprentice and his preposterous shenanigans? ...digging into your heart and rooting for your collegiate team?. ..maybe, you are a beisbol, you may have died a few days, as your Bums fell apart ...ha reference today is 'Tickle Me', a flick by Elvis ...ah, Presley DO remember him?... Probably the most despicable thing that has come out of the Trump camp, is the 'fake killings' by him and his people...picking out key opponents with some of the most gross assassinations that one can this time, of relentless mass shootings...they come up with something like this.. .I am disgusted...appalled.. .and find more ways of disliking him...and his ways...ah, he is yet to apologize for the ta...