Why Hillary, Why?
To give the Trump Train a rest for a bit ...well, sort of...the news out of the right coast was in my words, disturbing...as out of the shadows comes the one and only Hillary Clinton ...ah, what?...suggesting that there is yet another sinister plot in the works for the 2020 Prez Election ...orchestrated by the Russians, of course ...and she names names...placing the placard of sabotage on the right now Demo candy woman, Tulsi Gabbard ... Say what?...that she is to be groomed as a Third Party runner. ..where is she getting her info?...and, more importantly, why is Hillary a news item...??? ...is this a master plan by Roger Stone, to find deflection in the impending impeachment?...bring her name up...get her in the limelight...and bring back the erased emails?... There are so many more important things going on.. .let's not return to the '16 failed Hillary run ...nope...and for the sake of the Democrats, please Ms. Clinton, very politely BOW OUT of the current race...yo...