The Leap Year

Funny how things almost NO one has been talking about this once in a 4 year phenomena ... the Leap Year. ..where for one out of the four years, an extra day is added to the calendar...thus, this year we have 366 reality, we have 365 and a quarter days each year., we add an extra day once every 4 years to it?...from the believe it or not files, this was started by the one and only Julius Caesar ...yea, he was the one that started up the casino in Vegas, too...well, tongue in cheek, but this whole process started in 45 BC ...c'mon, really? it is written...and now, YOU KNOW the reason for the season... the Horse rests ... Why oh why the month of February has but 28 days, and then the 29th ...well, it is the way it is...I no likea, cuz I have to pay the bills a couple of days early...think about the poor soul that is born on Feb 29...has but one birthdate, every 4 years... almost as bad as being born on, or, around Christmas ...w...