The Reason?
11 days to go...and we will be rid of him ...I can't tell you the panic and pandemonium that he has caused in his '30 days of Hell' ...but, the country has felt it...and watched it...and lived through it...he called for it. .. Twitter did it...banned him permanently! ...he has been using the source as a sounding board to call out for more of the same... trump this due to more anticipated eruptions?...the rumor is that there is to be another sabotage of DC, sometime from Jan 17-19 ...this scare you at all?...all within the time lapse of his last 30 days in office... gosh, I wish I was making this up ... Must be the impetus for the House to ask for his resignation , or they will speed up the process of a 2nd IMPEACHMENT on Monday ...Congress does not want to go through what they did this past week...expect some action in the coming days...he has the weekend to mull it over... he has already said he wouldn't resign, and certainly not turn anything over to Pence ....