
Showing posts from June 26, 2016

Hello July

Another month has passed us by...quickly, I might add...and we welcome the next one... Hello July! ...which is jam packed with stuff...t he nation's Bday, the MLB AllStar Series of events, mucho golf, another Vegas trip, and on and on ...I look at my calendar and it is filled up like no other... For the 4th , our building is having a huge celebration...tongue in's been 9 months of revamping our pool, spa, and barbecue area...basically most of the 2nd floor... I'm not sure it will be the workers are doing overtime to make the deadline...which by the way, was April ...oops... What do you use as your start up page on your computer?...I have found one that kind of simplifies everything... ...take a look...incorporates all that you have, I think, in one screen...there are others, of course... I am still lingering on the purchase of any tix to the All Star game ...still trying to convince my son to go...however, that means he h...

The Polls

So how YOU doin'?...feeling like this is going to be an ordinary day?...right...this ought a shake your tree...according to the Drudge Report ...yup, that one...c'mon now, we have to be fair and impartial...wait, somebody already has that slogan...I digress...the Rasmussen Poll has Trump leading Clinton by 4 points...43-39...what?...first one I have seen that has him in the lead.... See, it all depends on who is doing the polling ...and who they contact...and who would actually give a response...and on and I trust the polls?...the Horse does not...I guess that is talking in the 3rd person...kind if cool, cuz I can always say that I don't necessarily feel like that, but the Horse does...what?... Well, I, the Horse thinks...ah...that the race is too close to this point in time...the debates will be the decider...don't get too bent out of shape right now...there is plenty of time to do that in the coming months of action...wait, I, er, H...


Am running late here, I went hacking, like real early...and this will probably post for tomorrow, too...there are times that we need to take a step back and look at someone who passes is that day...the foundation of women's hoops... Tennessee's Pat Summitt ...died today from complications of alzheimer disease...only 64 years of age... Let me go back a bit...when there were very few gals sports...anywhere...when I first starting the 70's...there was no girls basketball...I used to run an intramural tourney of all people...tandem of the best, was two gals... I will never forget this...Becky Sheets and Sue Roque...they beat most all teams, including the boys...I wondered why on earth that there wasn't the sport for them in the high school ....I believe shortly thereafter, it happened...about the same time that on the collegiate level, the University of Tennessee hired this young gal coach...Pat Summitt...her teams dominate...

Monday Decaf

Wooah, what do we have here?... turrible night of sleep muggy...full of crazy dreams...could hardly wait to arise...can't imagine living in the desert in the THAT'S fragmented thinking and sentencing... Feel good story of the day was that of the PGA Tour in DC ...where the winner was Billy Hurley the III ...hmmm...1st time for him...the rest of the story...he is a Naval Academy Grad...served 5 year term back into golf after that...last year, during this T, his dad, a police guy...went missing...was found...and subsequently committed suicide...Billy, has a wife and 3 kids, one being an adopted child out of Ethiopia...anyway...burdened with loss of his dad and all...he persevered through it...hit some amazing shots...right there in the background of Annapolis, the site of the Academy...and won!...tears were all over the place... Peter Kostis, the NBC announcer, told Billy, that this was the feel good story of the year...I agree... Sta...

Say What?

Morning kids... you ever wonder what on earth that triggers a bloke to say what he says?, what a gal would say what she says?...look, I am referring to an outlandish comment...that one can't take back...that may stick with that person...forever...of course, we could apply that to any candy man or woman, running to be Prez ...right?... But...for some reason it doesn't stick to the Donald as much as most any other person I can could pile a boatload of his statements up...people may shake their collective heads...and yet... still vote for him ...why?...they don't like the Hilz...she has been in the public eye, er political eye for so long...many feel she is not too warm and fuzzy, I Trump?... Famous author and gad about the DC scene... George Will ...started as a newspaper pundit...advanced (?) to an expert on politics...albeit from the very conservative angle...I think his last gig was for FOX...has a very dry and authoritative way of ...