Battle of the Tours?
Ah, it is just what Greg Norman wants...notoriety for his tour, the LIV ...his guys near the top of the Open...showing the PGA that his version, is as good as the original... of course, it is all about the these days, what isn't?...the rich get richer ...for the most part, I have just wondered how this was gonna work...but, not liking Norman one bit, I have pulled for his tour's demise, silently.... knowing that his financial backing is from Saudi Arabia, makes me more concerned ... Prez B is in the Middle East ... as we wallow about in our search for oil...and lower pricing...naturally, Saudi Arabia sits on what we want 'ally' , I am not sure...weren't most of the terrorists that airplaned our country on 9/11, Saudi Arabians?...yup...some ally... we stand and sit afraid of them...held captive of their oil ...and in Norman's case, their's really a sad case of what many are all about...solution? none...just an observation... ...