
Showing posts from February 28, 2021

Racially Profiling?

Probably the hit of the inauguration of Prez Joe Biden , might just have been the Poet Amanda Gorman ...who gave a wonderful poetry reading at it...many were so impressed by her, they had her in the future of politics... she is 22 and a Harvard graduate ...the downside?...she was harassed by a security guard as she was about to enter her apartment in Los Angeles ...he labeled her 'suspicious' ...really?... I bring this up, as I was asked in my own building yesterday the elevator, by a long time white resident... 'do you live here?' first, I thought it was funny....since we have lived here for 10 years or so...something like that...I responded, 'I am married to Marsha' ...having thought longer about it, was this a form of racial profiling? ... I am dark, as ya'll know ...or was this just a very insensitive remark by a very ...well...inquisitive (?) person?... Perhaps, it is the masks ...hard to see who is behind them?...I mean, all us dark skin ...

It's Dame Time

Now, 'they' are using this all over the sports broadcasts... 'IT'S DAME TIME ! ' ...gonna lead with, the PDX star, Damien Lillard , is in the continuance of his breakout as a true STAR of the league such a unique fashion... he makes hoops at the end of the game ...when they are on the line...incredibly, over and over...and over... back off, he drills it...double him, he gets free, and drills it...jump at him, he drives to the hoop, and drills it better example than the last 2 games before the All-Star break...hitting game winners over Golden St and Sacramento...dare I say, 'legendary?' ... I am referring to ESPN as the broadcasts...there are certainly fact, there is this dude, Stephen A Smith (the A is for what?), who wants him (Dame) out of Portland and into a major market team ...ah, he wants him in NY...well, I dunno about that, with the way the players move about anymore...but, for now, he is a Blazer...a very PRI...

The Clean Up

We had a blustery day of rain, wind, and thunder storms ...really, here in, the golf was out...and I did what I should have done some time ago...have been putting it off for a bit... cleaning up my computer ... ridding myself of unused apps...especially in the dock...just trying to simplify things ...and lo and behold?...the machine works much faster...wait, is it really classified as a machine?... Added a really cool calendar ...that not only is fun to see, but comes and goes as you need it...has the weather and all the things that you have planned...duh, a calendar...deleted, then re-added the gmail, and it also ZIPS along ... changed the wallpaper know, just a spring cleaning...was needed... How about Dame? ... he not only hit the game winning 3 ball, but took the charge that sealed the win over the visiting Golden St Warriors ... he is certainly clutch ...and can get his own shot off, a bit diff than Steph Curry...really a fun game...of course, in the waning mom...

Another Attack on the Capitol?

Brazenly stupid ... those who follow QAnon ...or, whatever the H it imply that the change of presidents is going to happen on March the 4th ...c'mon, people...get a life...not really sure how many participants there will be...but, the DEFENSE will be ready this time...just can't believe this is what some Americans actually believe in...ah, wait, I guess I do... So, the Pandemic must be over in Texas and Mississippi the Guvs in each of those states have rewritten the need for masks ...what % of the people there have gotten their shots?...and I don't mean bourbon...wait a significant time period, those of you in are jumping the gun...just wait...for the vaccinations... you are putting your own constituents in grave danger ... Tommy Tuberville ... the bloke from Alabama who is one of the senators from there...he is old school...can you imagine playing for him when he was the football HC at Auburn? ...I bet there are doozies of stories...

Tuesday Tidbits

Do you understand how this bill writing works in Congress?... as mysterious as the Stock Market, to moi ...seems like there is a gaggle of coupling of items in ', to appease opposite parties to vote for a bill, they have to have some form of concession ...I believe that is what is happening to the Covid Relief Bill ...that the minimum wage part will either be stricken, or reduced ...can't they just pass one or the other? YOU get it?... For all of the hullaballoo, about the needn't get of the Covid vaccine by donny is reported that he and his latest wife got theirs in January as I say, and not as I do....was this before or after the Capitol Caper?...which makes no difference, but just out of curiosity... I think I know the answer...but, if you get one shot of say, Moderna ...and the 2nd one is unavailable... can you get another shot of say, Pfizer?...or the newbie, Johnson & Johnson?...are they that much different?... Watched the kind of fun, C...

March in like a Lion

I hate February .... all Februaries...HATE, I tell ya! ...and who was the bloke who came up with that bloody spelling?...well, mostly cuz it's only 28 days ...which means I have to pay them damn bills three days early...ah, earlier than normal...and those 3 days have lots of stuff in 'em...they really do...I'm sure there is a good reason, but why couldn't the originators, have the same amount of days in all months?...and went with a 360 day year? ...was that too much to ask?...would our seasons be all that screwed up that much?...I think not... so donny, when you rewrite the Constitution, could you please rewrite the days of the year, too? ... The bloke trump , did address his CPAC event... still claiming to have won the election ...ah, where is he staying now?...and some of his forevers, think he is gonna take the White House back in a few truly is amazing how some people think... whatever floats your boat ... If one goes by the Futures , then this will be ...


As we have endured a year of this Pandemic ... there are so many things that we take for granted ....that we can't or couldn't do, right?...some have had the worst happen, lost a loved one ...some have got the Covid, survived, and have lived in isolation ...some, like many, just have existed in fear's been a horrific time, for sure...and now, that we have vaccines available...well, will soon be for the masses...I just can't imagine NOT taking it ...yet, there are those out there that choose no....c'mon people, do the right thing... Simple stuff ... like going to a restaurant...or to a movie house...a church...a bar...a coffee shop...any mass gatherings...inside places ...the list is endless...we all wonder, when can we again?... Tonight is the first of many, award shows for the people who really don't need it...praise the pretty people...again... the Golden Globes ...egads...perfect name... hosted by Dolly, I jest...don't send me wi...