Cold Stadiums
You must show your bravado and attend the NFL games in the deep, deep what if it is below freezing? ... you live there, you gots the appropriate warming clothing ...and all them heat warmer thangs that you can stick purnt near everywhere.. .for GOODNESS SAKES , you ARE a season ticket holder...c'mon now ... you love to scream your silly arse out at the games...pound the sideboards, clang the seats...blow them damn airhorns...cowbells?...can't get enough cowbell ...if you weanie out, and decide to watch it on the may have a least in the Dolphins / Chiefs game is being televised EXCLUSIVELY on Peacock don't have it?...get your thermal stuff ready and get out the door... It's the sign of the times...$, and lots of them...that take these games, and televise them in sordid Prime ...where the signal freezes for moi...these fat cats want pay for view...I guess...more of that green stuff that ...