Baby Talk

It's been awhile...but to hear the sounds that a 2 yr old totally incredible ...first of all, the mimicry can be dangerous ...ha must be careful of what one says around the child...our grandson, Cyrus, is in this age group...of course, as cute as a bug...wait, a bug?...since when is a bug cute?...anyhoo, he is forming near sentences...counting...identifying objects...and any service is a huge deal...gardener, sanitary service, firemen, police, you get me drift...the books, my gosh, the is so important to read to the kid...but, I think I missed my, I coulda wrote a million Horse books... Eating time is a real trick ...the kids will double team him...the knack is something I had forgotten all about...they are extremely health conscious...there are no Twinkies in the kitchen...smoothies are the my time, they did not exist...and Cy loveth them...start early enough and there you go... Bed time ...this never changes, regardles...