A month to go...
As the Cactus League is but a month away, Sandy Alderson has revealed that the season tickets have dropped 33%...gee I wonder why? Let's see...poor GM, poor play, poor baseball theories, poor hitting, poor base running, poor people...oops too negative. Fact is the product has been not so good. And the buyer is voicing their disgust by not buying! Get out there Pads and invest in a club that will run, run, run...solidify your defense, and get solid pitching!!! The Thunder(Supersonics), Wizards, Wolves, and the Pacers all won last night! Upset city... The very out there LT debacle continues on...the notion that he will sign for a lesser amount to help the team in it's payroll...doesn't that sound a lot like the Hoffman thing that just ended? USD hosts Loyola Marymount tonight. Do you remember the wild LM teams that ran up and down the floor a bit ago? They were fun to watch. I coached a team like that one year out of desperation (horrible defensively) and it was fun, ...