Why Were We There?
Isn't that a titillating thing to enter with...'Why were we there?'...thinking that most are asking the question, 'back to Oregon?'...no, it is on a totally another minuscule thing that happened...you see, while we showered at the Gahr's Bend Palace, their shower thinger, that kept the water from splashing everywhere...had a map of the world on it...and, of course, the Horse...would spend his time not only cleansing himself, but gander at the World before him...and wonder 'Why on earth were we way over in Vietnam in the 1st place?'...yes, sure, the bloody domino theory...but, really, WTF?...going that far, and losing so many lives, theirs and ours...without a doubt, the biggest blunder in the history of the USA.... well, right after eradication all us Injuns ... One more map thang...Ukraine is HUGE, and Russia is biting off a bit more than they can handle... OK, back to the here and now...the Friends Trip was a huge success...we saw so many Friends, and ...