Aging Gracefully
It must be the weekend!...time to relax and take in the daily dose of teevee golf and baseball ... guess I am talking to most of my fellow Horse men...sorry, gals, I know you want to get out and do something fun ...but, shoot, we have been working all week and need a break...WHAT?...we are retired...oops, I call golf work...and writing this blog, work... There is this hypothesis, that we all age over time know the drill... everything starts to sag a bit, the hair turns weird colors...and probably falls off, too...the growth of some hairs, occur where they never did before...the nails go bonkers...your eyesight starts to dimmer...crap sakes alive, it is hell getting don't walk as fast, if at all...the bones start to no longer hit 250 yard's now, have a high ball at 4, instead of 5, cuz you are asleep at 8:30...ah, get pedicures for your feet, cuz you can't reach nor see them ...this list goes on...