Get this... the Pads are getting their heines whipped...gave up 6 runs in the first inning...what?...no outs...what?...in the 1st!...and then load up the bases...and Mgr Buddy comes out and pulls the beleaguered starter, Volquez...who by the way, is battling to keep his starting spot...what?...nice effort...and if I were there, I'd a probably left...or led a chorus of boos...something...will it get worse?... And then the offense showed up...what?...offense?...yup...as the Pads scratched, clawed, and got back into it...hit 3 dingers...and the crowning shot was by the only power hitter in uni... Will Venable ... as SD came back and won 8-6...really...go figure beisbol... Well, the sound guy came ...and solved the apple tv prob...there is a new apple router out...much more powerful than anything prior...and now...we get great reception through the wi-fi...really....you should check it out...if you are not happy with your speed... Filner resigned...duh...as he leaves, the wolv...