Hurry Up and Wait
Morning kids, from the adult playground of the USA...Las Vegas...100*, but it’s a dry heat...right...the city is inundated with...PEOPLE!...too many to be handled by the tables, slots, bars, restaurants and do anything, y’all have to wait in lines...OMG!... The pools?...unbelievable around many corners at 9 am...we went at 2...the most we have ever seen in the pool...the restaurants?...expect at least an hour wait...unless you reserved months ago...our breakfast spot opened at 6:30... we were there at 7...55 minute wait...fuggit that, we took off to the Roasted Bean...terrific coffee and a muffin and egg sand... Had a much better day at the most of my stash back...which I consider that a track today...and the dinner is at 6...reservations in hand...the Heritage... Prez B and the First the G7 summit meeting...respect back for the USA...gone is the embarrassment of trump... The mighty Padres are still missing their bats...we need a huge breako...