Something tells me that the journey just may be similar to that of the Clark Griswold's one... the RV ...there have been many flix that make light of such a trek... Desi and Luci ... Robin Williams ... Jennifer Aniston ...all had movies about some crazy adventures in a RV. ..mapping out the trip...where to stay...better at a KOA or a Good Sam site?...making sure you can make it in the timed allotted...in our case, filling up at a diesel pump...are they at most gas stations?...when or when not to use the potty aboard...or shower...fortunately we are renting a Class B ...more like the Lexus we normally drive...those big Class C's and A's would pose a problem...at least for both of us driving ...we also can park in the street with the one we have... Supposed to get 22 miles to the gallon ...which is better than my SUV...and that is a plus...has all the plush, er required things...TV...generator...fridge...freezer...range...oven...bed...DVD...the list goes on...and we ar...