
Showing posts from February 21, 2021

We All Make Choices

Morning, kids ...da weekend... we have to feel we are extremely fortunate, perhaps we got our 2nd Moderna sho t ...according to the news release by the Petco Station...there is a National shortage of the vaccines ...and the spot where we went, is now closed (again) for 4 days ...the lines to get in there, when open, would be stretched all the way out to Hwy 94!...people, like you and I, awaiting their turn to be inoculated... Other people, not like me...are congregating at CPAC ...booing the hosts, as they desired all to wear masks...what social distancing?... the face of that group, is Teddy Cruz, Jr, donny .... shoot, the suspects are the same ...that conglomeration want to rekindle trump...good lord, really?...they actually believe in the flim flam artist?...yes, they does Mitch... As we were golfing yesterday, the 'sandman' came up...and HE started a conversation...that pretty much knocked Prez Biden, and boasted of the 'glory years' of trump ...

Minimum Wage

I have neglected to talk about this... MINIMUM WAGE this appears to be yet another party line issue... the common worker vs the small business owner ....really? Mickey D's small?...but, yes, there are small businesses out there that would have to pay a bit more...on the other hand, there are people not getting by, with the amount of income they make...with the only job they can muster up...that need and get government survive...and yes, in some parts of the country, the cost of living is much lower...than others...I can see that... BUT, I do wonder often, why so many non-business owners, share and care about this? ...for political reasons only, I reckon... Businesses ...I like to go to the Coke price gougin g ...back when....some of you are gonna say, 'not again, Horse' ...but, there was this rumor of a season of sugar shortage the company had to raise the price of the drink the time, I was a TAB inhaler...ha ha...and they raised the p...

Spoke Too Soon

I had been warned...that it might take a day...or so...before the effects would hit you... the 2nd Covid Vaccine by Moderna ... I just want to be honest with ya'll...not a scare tactic ...this is a true thang , that we went through...symptomatic of all?...don't know...but, it was of us... Marsh had the chills and a headache right away felt fine and took off for my golf round in the am...about the 5th hole or so...I started to doing and feeling weird the yips...not that I don't do em real tired...and by the back nine, had a bad, REAL BAD, headache .. .tired, listless. ..and could hardly make the 30 minute drive home...hit the bed, and pretty much stayed there until this am... chills, horrible headache and a fever ...figure the Tylenol PM helped a ton...woke up this am, with almost a normal feeling... still a slight headache...but no fever or chills ... Marsh says she, too, is feeling better. ..BTW, she remained in bed most of yesterday......

The After Effects

There is a calming sensation that one goes through, upon getting the 2nd Covid vaccination ...the concept of protection...for us, it was the Moderna ....and, unbelievably, the Petco Station opened up and we kept our assigned time slot, given to us a month ago... the procedure that is used, is very professional...and extremely well done. ..canceled my backup at IHS...thus, we now have what we expected...and hoped, the aftermath....many have talked about the side effects ...the first one, basically none...but, so many people have told of symptoms of the 2nd one... I may be jumping the gun on this ...but, I have a sore arm and a mild headache ...the problem with that diagnosis is that I often have headaches...ever since my car accident in my senior year of college...ah, like 50 some years ago... Marsh, on the other hand...had chills...did not feel well...had a slight fever, like 100*, and it broke about 1 am ....she has since, felt, there you go, a very brief 're...

Numero Dos

Somehow, our vaccination schedule remains the same ...over at Petco Park ...there was a near week long list of cancellations there...due to the weather, everywhere but here...and the site is back up and running today ...with us at 9:15 am ...hallelujah!... hey, who came up with the spelling of that word?...lord...nevertheless, we will have our 2nd Moderna inoculation ... It's the word out, almost everywhere.... have you had your shots, yet? ...I am still baffled by those, who refuse to get 'em...listen, kids, your following of the ogre can only go so far... hear the real experts on this, not that foo... Are you a View fan? ...most of the ladies on there are liberals...with the exception of Meghan McCain many who are fast talkers, she occasionally steps where she might not have...yesterday, calling for the firing of Dr Fauci! ...ah, wrong Prez, my's not a firing a day... Speaking of trump... SCOTUS did not block the efforts of the NY State, to get at tr...

Did You Think?

It's been about a year now...not exactly sure when the news hit ... this bloody PANDEMIC! ...for us, the day after we were amongst our closest 10,000 fans at a Blake Shelton Concert, over at the former Sports Arena...not sure what it's called now, as it has changed hands a few times since that name... the info seemed sketchy and certainly not here...not in the USA ...the leadership, ah trump, dismissed it as a Chinese problem ... you and I, and NOT HE, knew better it turned out... The blockade of people from China...the closure of gatherings...the piece meal approach that was assignment of a task force, headed by VP Pence ... it was all a sham ...and a mirage of what needed to happen...trump took it on, as a thorn in his re-election bid...for the most part, thought it would just run it's course, like most flu's...wrong... 500,000 USA DEATHS later ... Get your shots, kids not believe in the 'wait and see' attitude that some of his followe...

An Alarm

Whether you live in a singular house, er, rancher, a condo, or a high rise ...the one thing that JOLTS your system, especially in the night the ALARM! ...not the one that awakens you to start your day...but, the one that warns you of something FIRE! a high rise it could be the worst, a WATER LEAK ...whatever, it never is expected...this was the case for our neighboring building, the Renaissance, at about 5:30 am... TODAY was muffled, so I jaunted out to the back deck to see, if it was 50* doesn't seem that cold for many of you throughout the States, but us San Diegans, it is...I could see the inhabitants standing outside awaiting the 'all clear' ...that is, if it was a false alarm...for you heathen Republicans a 'fake alarm' ...turned out it was...and, after an hour of freezing (so to speak) the alarm was off...and they returned to their humble abode....not sure what the issue was... Alarming , is the news that the Covid...