
Showing posts from June 14, 2020

All EYES on Tulsa

With absolutely NO solution in sight , the virus continues on ...the only thing we have is protection... masks, social distancing, hand wiping and sudsing, and in reality, near quarantining...right? ...the experts keep harping on this...but, Huge Orange thinks otherwise ...going to endanger his cult his revival in Tulsa, Oklahoma be sure, they are there...awaiting...stead fast in proclaiming that the virus is indeed a 'hoax' ...for their bloke of they will proceed into the arena, that holds 19,000...will arrive 4 hours early...for his scheduled 2 hour propaganda talk... and yes, they will not be social distancing...and yes, they will be mask less. ..just like he, and his press secretary...and I'm sure countless other followers...egads... What I am not sure the protestors to many? Donny has warned of retaliation if they do anything to sabotage his will be a show of shows, I am sure...what news se...

Outside My Window

As I was taking a morning stretch , on my deck this am...this is what I saw that definitely caught my eye...and then my camera...this is the Hilton on the SD Bayfront ...still NOT open, mind you...I keep hearing different dates of relaunching, like even not 'til the hotels around here are so dependent on the conventions...that are not happening... More stuff from the Guv of Cali ... that masks are now a MUST , like everywhere...hmmm, I thought they already were....and, that for the November election, all voters will get a ballot MAILED to them...hopefully, trend setting throughout the USA... I can't fathom how colleges and universities can survive this year ...with the present colleges, where the students drive back and forth...not stay in dorms, I could see the possibility there...but the big U's?...don't see how...unless... Good lord...we watched the HBO show on Roy Cohn Orange said about the bloke, 'his fixer...

Take Notice

There is a bundle of commotion that is being stirred up in DC ...and I'm not talking about the protests, this's all about yet another 'tell all' book about Trump ...this time, by one of his cabinet members...that he FIRED! ... John Bolton ... the former National Security Advisor. ..I've been mentioning it for some time...and from the excerpts that have been pre-released, it is 'very telling'. ..Donny, is said to be irate...that he believes it would hurt his re-election chances...ha ha, add this to the list, Orange...and here is the TAKE NOTICE item... he has instructed the DOJ (HIS Dept of Justice?) to have it (the book) BLOCKED from being released. declaring it an EMERGENCY order this am... 'The Room Where It Happened' , is the book title...yup, it will be a best seller for sure...ah, if you can get your hands or web net on it...stay you know, I have pre-ordered it... Yes, there is another book to explode on the s...

A Jockey

By now, you have probably guessed that I am a fan of the horse racing ...geez, since me high school days...don't bother to calculate's been awhile...the passion and of the things that intrigues me so much, is the riding of those magnificent animals's hard and it takes a while to figure out... the horse is 1,000 lbs +, with tiny ankles, and pretty much has a mind of it's own ...and when it decides it is time to run, it becomes a tad bit scary...I like it, but I have to 'know' that the one I am on, is 'tame'... As I was perusing thru the TVG (horse race betting channel) site the other day, watching the races on the tele...I heard the announcer say that one of the jockeys was an extreme veteran ...ah what? military?...I dug, he is a horse rider of many years...think about this, these race horses go really, really fast... like 40 mph! ...of course, it depends on how far they are going...and the weight of the ...

Tuesday Tidbits

Morning, kids...a very large hand, waving at ya'll! we delve into the happenings of the day...hey, it is National FUDGE Day ...when was the last time you had that?...every once in a while, I bring up things that are mostly forgotten...that were huge in the past...this is one of them...loaded with walnuts...and baby marshmallows?...I dunno... wasn't there a candy shop on the Oregon coast...Salishan?. ..that had it?...maybe I am dreaming it...can you make it sugar free?...ha ha... The continuing name change of Lady A ...the group made contact with the gal who already is called Lady A...she is out of Seattle...confused yet?...I guess they have come to a compromise, however, I have no idea what that's similar to naming a race horse...trying to come up with one, that isn't already been taken...maybe that is a poor comparison... The Futures were WRONG indicators yesterday...doesn't happen often...let's see about they are way UP today....


Nowadays, when one hears 'HR' , it usually brings up the branch of office that does the investigating of some misdoings ... Human Resources ... 'HR is looking into it'. ..that sort of thang... 'you have to pass thru HR before you are hired'. ..and on and on....and I don't even want to go into the 'race' issue... been there done that in this blog ...but, I am going to take you back to 1998 ...yup, kids, the past... in MLB...beisbol ...when a good portion of the country was embroiled in a unique kind of battle... 3 guys who were hitting HR's (HOME RUNS) like never before...then, it was just two, as the 3rd fell off... Two cities, and really, the Nation , got caught up in it...yup, this was before the sports world, found out about PED's...performance enhancing drugs ...that these two, for sure, were using...but, at the time...nobody knew...hmmm, does MLB even have a HR branch?...I digress... Chicago Cubs and the St Louis Cardinals ...the t...

Mixed Bag

Gosh, it seems that there is a MIXED BAG of items in the Horse blogging cart this fine Sunday morn.... some good, some sort of OK, and some just awful want the good or bad, first?...well now, let's start with the positive... The PGA at Colonial ...Ft Worth/'s like watching groups of golfers playing most anywhere...just playing noise...but, these dudes can... PLAY! is a very tightly contested tourney... I'd say there are about 10 pros that have a chance to win it, whoever it gets hot...can get the W...they all are capable, and I have no idea who it may be...I gots this feeling that it just may be JT ...but, no wager... An experiment that our very own Little Italy is trying on Saturday eves ...they closed down the street (India) and pushed the restaurants out into cars, just distancing...eating and imbibing...this is from 4 to 10 pm ...I like it and would hope the Gaslamp wo...