All EYES on Tulsa
With absolutely NO solution in sight , the virus continues on ...the only thing we have is protection... masks, social distancing, hand wiping and sudsing, and in reality, near quarantining...right? ...the experts keep harping on this...but, Huge Orange thinks otherwise ...going to endanger his cult his revival in Tulsa, Oklahoma be sure, they are there...awaiting...stead fast in proclaiming that the virus is indeed a 'hoax' ...for their bloke of they will proceed into the arena, that holds 19,000...will arrive 4 hours early...for his scheduled 2 hour propaganda talk... and yes, they will not be social distancing...and yes, they will be mask less. ..just like he, and his press secretary...and I'm sure countless other followers...egads... What I am not sure the protestors to many? Donny has warned of retaliation if they do anything to sabotage his will be a show of shows, I am sure...what news se...