A Total Mess
What else would you call it?.. .the state of the government ...now embroiled in the historic, longest federal shut down EVER! ...all this due to the ridiculous threat by Trump...to hold the country HOSTAGE , until he got the funding for his wall...the concept that he said that Mexico would pay for...and who is 'paying' for it in reality?.. .the USA federal workers, at this point. ..and by 'paying', I mean the ones who are without PAY until the issue is dropped...or solved...or funded... I'm telling you nothing that you don't already know, if you have been following it...or me...but, the result of the length of the shut down , has now become A TOTAL MESS! ...as Trump searched for other methods... threatening the country even more, with an EMERGENCY. ..transferring funds from other government sources...to fulfill his needs... In the interim... the method of rule by Trump has been transparent...as the country has been party to the tantrums and bullying pulp...