83.3 million reasons...
Trial and the anecdotes of what not to do's...if you are the defendant...trump ...as he couldn't just sit there...and absorb what was being said...litigated?... the 'bullying docket' just doesn't work in court, orange ...you are at the mercy of 9 jurors...if you choose to perform, you are doing so for THEM...people, just plain people...listening, watching, and judging...YOU... if you choose to make a mockery of the moment, YOU will pay for that...which you will and did...well, you haven't yet...to the tune of $83.3 MILLON DOLLARS! ... Why was orange even there?...my guess, is he felt his bullying and presence would be intimidating enough to get him a lighter amount of fine ...the presiding judge and the jury, were having none of that...it is also my assumption that he told his very own attorneys what to say and do...they got leveled...embarrassing the field of lawyers, everywhere...as trump once called out 'I know more than the generals'...the military, ...