
Showing posts from June 26, 2011

Our Royalty

I was just a thinking, you may have your royalty, Prince William and Kate ...who, by the way, is making more huge news by traveling to our fair continent...beginning in their old colony, Canada ...and working their way down to the States...geez, should that be singular or plural, is or are?  But... We have our own royalty. nana, nana, to you!  Yup, it's the Kardashians ...she too, is getting hitched, Kim ...and it also, will be the most photogenic event of our year...I'm sure they are working now on parade down Hollywood Blvd...complete with Bently's and all...hey, you go out and match a $2 mill engagement have Pippa , we have Khloe , and more!  tit for tat ...that doesn't totally sound right... The lockout has begun in the NBA ...I'm really having doubts about this upcoming season...the two sides are way far makes sense that it's all about the money...really kids, it's about who goes to the games, and who has to put out the ...

The Beach Boys

Picture yourself a table, directly in front of the stage, a plate of nachos, brewskies, a bottle of wine for the ladies, and an hour and half of non-stop Beach Boy's songs...yup, at the Del Mar Fair ...packed house, over 10,000 delirious fans...and it was grrrreeeaaaat... Mike Love's son and daughter are becoming more and more of the show...kudos to my Salem buddy, Rick Ward , for getting us the best possible parking, golf cart ride to the gate, then a tour of the humongous fair grounds....not to mention the 2 minute exit from the park...doesn't get any better than that... The Padres ...unbelievable...a, I know it's the Royals ...but still...not that the banged the ball all over Petco , but just enough to get the job done...7 of 8 and the folks are thinking, well...just maybe...climb out of the cellar...more chatter about Ludwig and Bell departing...I fear the Phillies are the most interested, especially in Heath ... Tiger ...hey, I know ex...

A Royal Treat

Hard to get a better match up than the Kansas City Royals ... the Pads need wins in the worst way...if SD is to climb out of the cellar, they need to sweep KC ...the catching corps is better now that Hundley has a bum arm...sorry, but it's the truth...the pitching was tough and the 2B had a rare, great defensive game...I'm talking ODog Hudson ...OK, game number 2...go get 'em Pads ... The Bachelorette ...easily the worst mess ever ...she has developed into a very needy and unlikable character...I don't know why any of the boyz stick around... I have talked a bit about the downfall of the once mighty LA Dodgers they have filed for bankruptcy...a divorce by the owners, a colossal monetary blunder with Manny, and the league is a sorry event for MLB...and where does this lead? Chicago's Blagojevitch ...oh, this is a real mess... As we prepare for our annual trip to Cocoa Beach , I gots to think about how few clothes we need....

Hazel Hotchkiss

Every once in a while I'll come onto a bit of history that I had never, ever, heard of....and from the world of tennis...which is not my favorite...a name emerged that was the dominant player of the ladies circuit in the 10's and 20's...albeit, it was the 1900 hundreds...but she won 17 grand slam titles and I can't believe I didn't know of this person.. .Hazel Hotchkiss ... Your Republicans ...according to the latest polls and all, it looks like Mitt Romney is the leader...closely followed by the Tea Party's Michelle Bachman least, that's according to the Iowa caucus folk...your gurl, Sarah , better get hopping, or she'll be left out of the mix... I'm a little afraid of the Tea Party , as a secret society has all the ear markings of trouble... Just as quickly as it rolls, it giveth away... the Pads win by 9, then go right ahead and lose by 9, the next night...and why do they play at 5:30 on a Saturday?  1 in the afternoon I could see, bu...