The Weekend
Have you heard the latest? Probably from the right...that Prez O is going to change VP's in the next election...going with Hillary in lieu of Joe ...I can call him Joe can't I? First of all, Ms. Clinton is doing a splendid job as Attorney General...and what has Joe been doing wrong? Naw, it's a conservative plot to provide unrest...see what I mean? I have just gone my good fellow, Snooki, corrected me...she is the Secretary of State... Walking around with this blonde hair. ..don't know how you can do it...I'm feeling a lot dumber...laughing a lot at silly statements...find myself throwing my head back and forth...assuming everyone is looking at me... I just reread this...I suppose you could say I wrote it about Hillary, it's me, folks ...and nobody says folks's just dingy stuff... Brett Farve ...who cares what he was doing...and why the NFL cares? As we approach our 63rd birthday ...wait, this is a solo effor...