
How about this?...a concert review of Wilson Phillips know, the trio of kids that are from Brian Wilson and the Mamas and Papas ...down at the Bay...first of all, these concerts are like no other I have ever seen...the first part of it is the San Diego Symphony , doing songs of the 80's movies...absolutely we are in the 3rd row...and each pod of 4 has their own table...ordered a cheese plate, a chicken dish, and a bottle of Napa Cab...even, two...and the other couple was a no we had even more space...and then... the gals came on... I think the highlight of the evening was their cover of Carl Wilson's "God Only Knows" ... Chyna Phillips was splendid ...well, the harmony was just the night went on they did their stuff, as well as the Beach Boys and Mamas and Papas fact, I wish they would have done the entire show of 'em...their encore song was "Hold On" that was bolstered by fireworks as the son...