Be Safe
I can't count the number of times, that when I get a text or email, the finishing touches to it...has a BE SAFE on it...more so, earlier in the pandemic than now...but, it was included...same with you?...think we all have been working on that...masks, social distancing, and cleansing...all the bloody time...the Covid has brought such great fear in most of our lives...
With no tangency at all...trump has added to this and so much else...he is like his own virus...trump 20...his cockeyed view of what a leader shall be...the immense humiliation of it all, and to all...any thing that can help preserve him...the blight on the history of our nation...and, as he suffered a loss at the polls...the vote...he scoffed at that...claiming fraud...which he always does...bellows out that, and his followers, unbelievably, buy into his rant...calls for action and a try to intimidate Congress to change the will of the overturn the election...who does that?...trump does...
Claiming '30 days of Hell' he winds down his time in office...perhaps, his only real truth in his rule...he orchestrated the Capitol takeover...then, has one more (at least) uprising on hand...somewhere just prior to the inauguration of Prez Joe he, trump, will exit to wherever...will break the 150 year tradition of attendance...VP Pence will be there, in lieu...not sure if that is the reason, as trump and he have not spoken since the Capitol caper...
Tomorrow...will be a telling day as for the status of trump remaining in the White House...Pence is considering the 25th Amendment to remove him...the House, will Impeach the bloke for the 2nd time...70% of the Nation want him out...and yet, he keeps threatening...'will not resign...will not turn over power to Pence...will not pardon'...ah, we shall see about Pardonia...when you hear the most odious slogan of all, 'the shit show'...sorry, kids, but it applies here...
Let's move on...
The Horse guessed 2/3 of the NFL games yesterday...the one, that I really thought would be a slam bam, the Seahawks, got Rammed instead...let's try it again today...Titans over the Ravens, Saints to rock the Bears, and the Browns to upset the not bet on these picks...never, ever...oh yea, thank goodness for these refs are like...well, they need help...
I saw this on one of my sites...ah, what?...'what causes old person smell?'...which beckons the Q...what is old?...who is smelling?...hey, I have smelled young people that smell awful... so, a better question, is what causes people to smell?...I smell good...go ahead, do the sniff test...
Clarity...our new sound guy...a total gem, by the way...has our system rocking...concisely and properly...anyhoo, we now have direct connect to HBO Max...and the series we are watching is a goodun...'The Flight Attendant'...try it, you will like it...
Have you bought and download Barry Gibb's 'Greenfields' yet? Snooki has commented, it is not as good as the originals, but Lordy PNW elder, those songs are 40 yrs is he is, 40 yrs later...what did you expect?...
His song of the day...'The Last Tango on 16th Street' by he added, should that be altered to _____on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave!...I doubt if orange can tango...but he does shimmy to YMCA...'down the floor and out the door, and shimmy your fat arse out'...something like that...
The PGA dudes are playing in Kapalua...yup, played it...probably 3 or 4 times...well, I have been there for like 15 years...Harris English is leading...does he ever win?...makes a lot of dough, finishing in the top 20...Jimmy Crack Corn...
I wonder what might go on, in the next 10 days...skirmishes, here there and trumps troops keep hangin on...happened down here in sad, really...stop the insanity...
Takes a special person to be a Cop now...well, ever...having to deal with this crazed stuff...I applaud you...really...
Be Safe...